Notice Board :

Volume IX Issue IV

Author Name
G L Torre
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 9 Issue 4
Need of computational resources and consumers of these resources are increases rapidly, to fulfill the desired computational demands up-gradation are necessary time to time. Efforts to obtain high computational units using grid computation are possible now in these days. But due to incremental request increases the complexity of grid additionally many problems arises on hardware as well as software level conflicts are occurs. To prevent these faults in the complex grid predictive methods are helpful for plan and prevent these problems in advance. This paper provide the CPU load prediction method over multiple clustered grid environments, where more than one CPU is participating on the grid computation and load parameters are calculated, to justify the proposed method and their performance parameters.

Author Name
G Tang
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 9 Issue 4
Deploying high-tech technologies is essential and predictable in assistive healthcare to manage with rising services such as remote monitoring, collaborative conference, and electronic health record. Grid computing has succeeded rather in enabling the distribution of resources across organizations but has not been deployed widely due to its complex execution and interface. Cloud computing overcomes this feature by allowing simple and easy user access, coping with user‟s active and flexible demands, providing metered procedure for its resources and hence is more being adopted by individual users as well as enterprise users. The cloud may the right technology for healthcare Infrastructure. However, several grave issues concerning security, data protection and rights, quality of services, and mobility need to be determined before cloud computing can be extensively adopted.. This paper proposes “How to mobile cloud works in Assistive Healthcare. Besides inheriting the advantages of Cloud c

Author Name
P T kaun
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 9 Issue 4
Student Performance Evaluation System is important in analysis student performance. In this paper I introduces the principles of fuzzy logic and illustrates how these principles could be applied by educators to evaluating student academic performance on the basis of analysis of the relationship between faculties evaluation scores in class tests, students punctuality and awareness in class , student achievement ,their class performance and their attendance in class. This system helps to know performance of students. Performance of students is evaluated on the basis of scores of students in class test Student class performance and on the basis of their attendance etc . Using this system we can classify performance of students into “Poor”“Average,” “Good “and “Excellent”. In this paper we propose a student performance system using evaluation model in dealing with performance grades which are often express vaguely in linguistic terms. The proposed model is for evaluating student performanc