Notice Board :

Volume VIII Issue VII

Author Name
E Lopatina, U Ismaila
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 7
The growth of web atmosphere has additionally led to extend in user suspicious activities. Typically the one user legal activity is also legitimate however once combined in conjunction with different activities it should end in malicious activity. Classification is a good data processing technique which might be accustomed classifies the end users based on their activity in web atmosphere. The intrusion detection technique performs well for notable attack in cyber area however fails typically just in case of novelty detection. The anomaly detection supported given patterns is an economical technique for novelty detection. The offered classification algorithms fail to discover U2R and R2L class of attacks. during this paper we have a tendency to explore varied cluster techniques used for the aim of intrusion detection .Their performance is compared on attacks victimization false positive rate and detection rate because the certain performance criteria.

Author Name
B Ogunbosi, B Feniouk, S Y Reznik
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 7
MANET square measure extremely appealing in several applications, particularly within the last decade once development of wireless computer network technology. however the distinctive characteristics and dynamic nature present challenges in securing these networks. the last word goal of security resolution for such networks is to supply security services similar to authentication, confidentiality, integrity obscurity and accessibility. during this paper we have a tendency to examine the edge Cryptosystem that firmly deliver messages in n shares. As long because the destination receives a minimum of t shares, it will recover the initial message. we've got explored most-efficient RSA cryptography algorithms based mostly} Threshold Cryptography (RSA-TC) and have focussed on Elliptical Curve Cryptography based Threshold Cryptography (ECC-TC), a secret sharing different that limit communication overheads for transmittal multiple secrets at identical time.

Author Name
S Rezaeian, K Thway, C Reynolds
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 7
This paper studies the adoption of other addressing themes within the web presently there's a pressing ought to replace the present addressing scheme of the web (IPv4), merely thanks to shortage of address area and increasing routing issues. the two presumably candidates are IPv6, the “official” successor to ip v4, outlined by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) and NAT (Network AddressTranslation), a technical resolution to deal with space shortage among IPv4. within the absence of a worldwide authority to direct the endorsement of one commonplace, each standards rely on the uncoordinated initiatives of huge numbers of users for their adoption. This paper includes the protection problems involving ipv6 and NAT, this paper conjointly contains the detail of the polemic situation of future addressing theme,The reasons for the issue of implementing a homogeneous addressing schemes.

Author Name
C Rodrigo, L A Ramajo
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 7
There square measure several issues with web traffic classification for sometimes applications similar to workload characterization and modeling, capability coming up with, route provisioning and network management. For network management, the network manager monitors the traffic, and observes the negative and positive affects over the network infrastructure, whereas traffic changes from non-P2P to P2P traffic. The network manager essentially uses flow priority, traffic policing and diagnostic watching to create call. Correct network management is feasible through correct traffic classification. web traffic classification essentially employed in several areas such as network management and operation, network design, Quality of Services, control and network security on that network administrator will with efficiency handle the network.