Notice Board :

Volume VIII Issue XI

Author Name
B C Batistos, C Mesiar
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 11
Correct operation of manet desires mutual cooperation of collaborating nodes. As a results of presence of stingy or malicious nodes, performance of network degrades significantly. Stingy nodes drop packets returning from its neighbor nodes to conserve its energy or speed their own packets inside the buffer queue. To prevent this wrongdoing, stingy nodes got to be compelled to be detected and isolated from network. This paper, notice stingy nodes that are created as results of nodes protective their energy. Once their detection, performance analysis of networks has been done by scrutiny the right network and thus the network with stingy node victimization NS2.

Author Name
O Olayide, S Garoma
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 11
Danger Theory is given with specific predominance on analogies among the substitute Immune Systems world. Artificial system (AIS) is relatively naive paradigm for intelligent computations. The inspiration for AIS comes from natural system (IS). The thought is that the imitative cells unleash signals describing their standing, e.g. safe signals and danger signals. The various artificial cells use the signals therefore on adapt their behavior. This new theory suggests that the system reacts to threats supported the correlation of various (danger) signals and it provides the way of grounding’ the immunologic response, i.e. linking it dies erectly to the offender. Throughout this paper, we have a tendency to look at Danger Theory from the angle of artificial system practitioners and an overview of the Danger Theory is given with specific stress on analogies among the substitute Immune Systems world.

Author Name
K A Ali, I Dooley
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 11
Analysis among the sector of portable computer and network science demands for tools and methodology to visualize their security effectively. Intrusion Detection System is used to perform identical with a incontrovertible fact that an intruder’s behavior square measure noticeably all completely different from that of a legitimate user and would exploit security vulnerabilities. IDS have thousands of alerts per day; some unit mistakenly triggered by begins events. This produce it very powerful to properly establish alerts related to attack. Throughout this paper, we've got an inclination to propose neural network based totally technique for network intrusion detection. These technique unit applied to the KDD Cup ninety eight data set .In additions, a comparative analysis shows the advantage of unattended Learning techniques over clustering-based ways in which in characteristic new or unseen attack.

Author Name
R Agüero, L Ye, E Lopatina
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 11
This paper describes a Approach for Prediction of driver-fatigue monitor. It uses remotely placed charge-coupled-device cameras equipped with active infrared illuminators to accumulate video photos of the drive. Varied visual cues that sometimes characterize the quantity of alertness of a private unit of measurement extracted in real time and systematically combined to infer the fatigue level of the drive. The visual cues used characterize protective fold movement, gaze movement, head movement, and countenance. The eyes unit of measurement one in each of the foremost salient choices of the face, enjoying a significant role in understanding a person’s needs, desires and emotional states. sturdy eye detection and pursuit is therefore essential not only for human-computer interaction, but to boot for Attentive user interfaces (like driver help systems).