Notice Board :

Volume VII Issue IV

Author Name
C Oliveri, B T Iamanaka
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 4
Cloud computing is associate raising computing paradigm within which resources of the computing infrastructure are provided as services over the web. As promising because it is, this paradigm conjointly brings forth several new challenges for information security and access management once users source sensitive information for sharing on cloud servers, that aren't at intervals an equivalent trusted domain as information homeowners. To stay sensitive user information confidential against un-trusted servers, existing solutions typically apply cryptographically ways by revealing information decoding keys only to approved users. However, in doing therefore, these solutions inevitably introduce a significant computation overhead on the information owner for key distribution and information management once fine-grained data access management is desired, and therefore don't scale well.

Author Name
Xihong H, Zaprutko L, Wieslaw L
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 4
Sorting could be a kernel algorithmic program for a large varies of applications. During this paper, we have a tendency to gift a brand new algorithmic program, GPU-Warpsort, to perform comparison-based parallel kind on Graphics process Units (GPUs). It chiefly consists of a bitonic kind followed by a merge kind. Our algorithmic program achieves high performance by with efficiency mapping the sorting tasks to GPU architectures. Initially, we take benefit of the synchronous execution of threads in a very warp to eliminate the barriers in bitonic sorting network. We also give comfortable homogenized parallel operations for all the threads at intervals a warp to avoid branch divergence. Furthermore, we have a tendency to implement the merge kind with efficiency by assigning every warp freelance pairs of sequences to be merged and by exploiting completely united international memory accesses to eliminate the information measure bottleneck.

Author Name
S wang, S W Hoefle, Massimo F
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 4
This paper mentioned a chaos-based encryption algorithm for image or media. Cryptography and decipherment keys are obtained by Chebyshev map that confuses the plain-text with random input keys. Then provision map and nonlinear chaotic algorithmic rule (NCA) are accustomed confuse the plain-text and shuffle the position of the plain-text severally. The algorithm is represented thoroughly, together with the safety analysis. The experiments show that the algorithmic rule is extremely sensitive to the keys and plaintext, which may resist existed attacks like info entropy attacks, statistics attacks and chosen/known plain-text attacks.

Author Name
N G Allam, M C Batistatos
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 4
Multimedia encryption tries to forestall unauthorized speech act of confidential transmission data in transit or storage. Security of transmission files attracts a lot of and a lot of attention and lots of coding strategies are proposed in literature. If we have a tendency to decision a transmission knowledge stream (message) plaintext, the method of remodeling the plaintext into unintelligible knowledge stream is remarked as transmission encryption (MME) wherever the encrypted message (data stream) is often named ciphertext. the method of remodeling the ciphertext into plaintext is termed decipherment. we have a tendency to propose a new block cipher supported irregular key of size n × n wherever n is the block size and therefore the block undergoes n2 iterations with the plaintext. Each iteration generates the pseudo cipher text. The encryption method generates the ciphertext C with the assistance of the randomized key.