Notice Board :

Volume VI Issue I

Author Name
C Oliveri
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 1
A mobile accidental network could be a assortment of wirele ss mobile nodes dynamically forming a short lived network while not the employment of any existing network infrastructure or Centralized administration. every node within the network conjointly acts as a router, forwarding knowledge packets for different nodes. attributable to the character of accidental networks, there square measure special demands for accidental routing protocols. The routing protocol should be able to sustain with the high degree of node quality that always changes the topology drastically and erratically. several routing protocols for accidental networks are planned just like the Dynamic supply Routing protocol (DSR), accidental On-Demand Distance Vector protocol (AODV) and Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector Routing Protocol (DSDV). therefore there's have to be compelled to do transient comparison for choosing higher routing protocol in such circumstances and necessities. Our goal is to hold out a scie

Author Name
C Mesiar
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 1
A biometric system provides automatic identification of an individual based on a unique feature or characteristic possessed by the individual. Iris recognition is regarded as the most reliable and accurate biometric identification system available. Most commercial iris recognition systems use patented algorithms developed by Daugman, and these algorithms are able to produce perfect recognition rates but not includes time requirement in account. However, published results have usually been produced under favorable conditions, and there have been no independent trials of the technology. So to develop generalized real time and efficient iris recognition system this paper presents some serious modifications. The situations during iris acquisition plays a crucial role in recognition process and it is often found that they are very much vague or imprecise; it is not possible to handle it properly with the help of conventional techniques. This paper basically concentrates three serious modifi

Author Name
V S Chaudhary
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 1
Equalization is essential at the receiver to defeat these channel destruction to get better the original transmitted sequence. Conventionally equalization is considered as counterpart to inverse filtering and implemented using linear-perform under severe distortion conditions when Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is deprived Equalization can be considered as a non-linear classification problem and optimum solution is given by Bayesian solution. Non-linear techniques like Artificial Neutral Networks are very good choice for non-linear classification problems. Several non-lines are equalizers have been implemented using ANN which outperformed LTE and solved the problem of equalization to the varying degree of sources. In this paper proposed optimal channel equalization using teacher learning based optimization technique. The proposed equalization technique performs better in compression of MPNN equalizer and MPNN-ACO based equalizer in channel decoding process.

Author Name
Z Hao
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 1
Correct operation of MANET needs mutual cooperation of collaborating nodes. as a result of presence of stingy or malicious nodes, performance of network degrades considerably. stingy nodes drop packets coming back from its neighbor nodes to conserve its energy or speed their own packets within the buffer queue. to stop this wrongdoing, stingy nodes have to be compelled to be detected and isolated from network. This paper, notice stingy nodes that ar created as a result of nodes preserving their energy. when their detection, performance analysis of networks has been done by scrutiny the perfect network and therefore the network with stingy node victimization NS2.