Notice Board :

Volume IV Issue VI

Author Name
M A Shareef
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 4 Issue 6
Internet are widely used now a days, today’s Web interactions are frequently short, with an increasing number of responses carrying only control information and no data. While HTTP uses client-initiated TCP for all Web interactions, TCP is not always well-suited for short interactions. Furthermore, client initiated TCP handicaps the deployment of interception caches in the network because of the possibility of disrupted connections when some client packets bypass the cache on their way to the server. We propose a new transfer protocol for Web traffic, called Dual transport HTTP (DHTTP), which splits the traffic between UDP and TCP channels. When choosing the TCP channel, it is the server who opens the connection back to the client.

Author Name
B S Renmin
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 4 Issue 6
Reinforcement learning is became one of the most important approaches to machine intelligence. Now RL is widely use by different research field as intelligent control, robotics and neuroscience. It provides us possible solution within unknown environment, but at the same time we have to take care of its decision because RL can independently learn without prior knowledge or training and it take decision by learning experience through trial-and-error interaction with its environment. In recent time many research works was done for RL and researchers has also proposed various algorithm and model such as SARSA [2], TDN [3] which tries to solve sequential decision making problems of continuous state and action space. In this paper we proposed Q-learning algorithm and evaluation of RL techniques (Reinforcement learning architecture, algorithms for making training matrix in the form of state-action pair Q-table) containing learner (decision making agent) that takes actions in an environment and receive reward for (or penalty) its actions in trying to solves a problems. Learning agent, the fundamental element of reinforcement learning, there is a decision maker that receive and select an action for the system. In reinforcement learning technique especially in Query base self learning the learner (Agent) required a lot of training input of execution cycle. In order to assess and comparison of QA and TDN based reinforcement learning, we found that QA is better in the context of discount rate, learning time, memory usage.

Author Name
S Paudel
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 4 Issue 6
The vision of Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is wireless internet, where users can move anywhere anytime and still remaining connected with the rest of the world. Broadcasting is a fundamental operation in MANETs where a source node transmits a message that is to be disseminated to all the nodes in the network. Network wide broadcasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Network provides important control and route establishment functionality for a number of unicast and multicast protocols. Broadcasting in MANET poses more challenges than in wired networks due to node mobility and scarce system resources. Broadcasting is categorized into deterministic and probabilistic schemes. This paper reviews the probabilistic broadcasting protocol because of its adaptability in changing environment. Probabilistic broadcasting is best suited in terms of ad hoc network which is well known for its decentralized network nature. Probability, counter and distance based scheme under probabilistic scheme are discussed in this paper. Besides the basic probability scheme this paper also includes their recent advancements. Rebroadcast is one of the initial task for route discovery in reactive protocols. This review paper identify which protocol gives better performance in terms of reachability, saved rebroadcast and average latency in rebroadcasting a route request message. Simulation results are presented, which shows reachability, saved rebroadcast and average latency of the probabilistic broadcast protocols. The comparative study shows the improvement of enhanced scheme over probabilistic schemes.

Author Name
Barbieri C
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 4 Issue 6
Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) is system of wireless mobile nodes which dynamically self-organize in temporary and arbitrary network topologies allowing devices and people to inter-network without any pre-existing communication infrastructure. MANETs, in recent years not only seen widespread use in domestic and commercial application areas but also becomes the focus of intensive research. Security aspects play an important role in almost all of these application scenarios given the vulnerabilities inherent in wireless ad hoc networking. In this paper, we study the security goals and solutions to be achieved and also use new cryptographic schemes such as threshold cryptography, to build a highly available and secure key management service and also provide accurate routing information in a timely manner.