Notice Board :

Volume XI Issue V

Author Name
Leena Sarvaiya, Prof.Himanshu Yadav, Prof. Chetan Agrawal
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 11 Issue 5
Data Mining is a field which extensively used in medical industry for extracting the useful information of various diseases. Heart disease is the major problem which occurs most frequently in human being. During the prediction of heart disease huge amounts of data generated which are too complex and voluminous to be processed and analyzed by traditional methods. By using data mining methodology it takes less time for the prediction of the disease with more accuracy. In this paper, proposes a hybrid SVM and KNN which can effectively diagnose and extract useful information from the outsized dataset. The simulation tool MATLAB is used for experimental analysis between existing methods and propose method using measuring parameter sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. The simulation of propose method gives better results than and can effectively diagnose the problem of heart disease.

Author Name
Himanshu Shukla, Prof. Sneha Jain
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 11 Issue 5
Various shapes of microstrip patch antenna had been designed in antenna field. This paper represents two patch element combined together and formed antenna array I have focus on the design and simulation of Microstrip patch antennas (which are widely used in cell phone today) with an emphasis on optimization of a 2.4 GHz to 3.42GHz circular probe fed patch antenna. I have found that different parameter like substrate dimension,μ , patch radius, feed radius etc. affects the directivity, radiation efficiency, total efficiency and return loss curve of the patch antenna. I have analyzed the simulation result for far-field of different patch antenna and on comparing the parameter values of different patch antenna. I found an optimized patch antenna. I have designed and studied the simulated performance result of an optimized microstrip patch antenna using CST simulator. The rapid growth of wireless and satellite communication applications has provided an impetus for increa

Author Name
Dr. Pragya Sharma
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 11 Issue 5
As technology develops, the normal person is progressively excited with the bells and whistels that such gadgets bring. From the most up to date iPhone to the most recent portable application, understudies over the globe are utilizing technology as a learning device just as something to mess around with. While social media sites may appear to be a diversion, you can outfit their capacity in an assortment of approaches to make an increasingly crucial and applicable study hall experience. The effect of social media in education can be tremendous. Organizations and academician are persistently attempting with web based life innovations wanting to energize basic reasoning aptitudes, coordinated effort, and information development. Today social media has been acknowledged by higher establishment making it a stage where understudies associate with their educators, individual understudies and other higher specialists in all cases. This along these lines required the examination to investigate

Author Name
Dr. Pragya Sharma
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 11 Issue 5
The utilization of ICT in teaching learning process is a generally new marvel and it has been the instructive analysts' core interest. The viable coordination of this innovation into study hall practices represents a test to instructors and overseers. This exact examination went for discovering the variables impacting utilization of ICT to make teaching learning compelling in higher establishments of learning in India and distinguishing the advancements that ICT has brought into teaching learning process, especially in higher foundations of learning in India. An overview was utilized and so as to observationally research the examination. The discoveries of this examination uncovered that teaching staff and directors wanted to incorporate ICT into teaching learning forms. The developments that ICT has acquired teaching learning process include: E-learning, e-correspondence, brisk access to data, online understudy enlistment, online promotion, decreased weight of keeping printed version,