Notice Board :

Volume X Issue II

Author Name
R Henkel, Black V
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 10 Issue 2
There are three important contributions in SCS-Radix sort. First, the work saved by detecting data skew dynam-ically. Second, the exploitation of the memory hierarchy done by the algorithm. Third, the execution time stability of SCS-Radix when sorting data sets with different character-istics. We evaluate the use of SCS-Radix sort in the context of a parallel sorting algorithm on an SGI Origin 2000. The parallel algorithm is from 1:2 to 45 times faster using SCS-Radix sort than using Radix sort or Quick sort.

Author Name
G A Mansilla
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 10 Issue 2
IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs are increasingly being used in real environments for broad-band access. Such large scale IEEE 802.11 WLAN implies the need for client station support from one Access Point to another. The client stations (STA) can move freely, but because of the short range of their Access Points (APs), they usually need to reassociate with different APs and communicate through them. When changing APs, a client station starts a process known as a handoff that can take up to few seconds, which is too long for real-time applications. Various solutions have been proposed to change or improve the client behavior when doing a handoff. We divide the process into three phases: detection, search and execution. Our performance measurements indicate that the detection and search phases are the main contributors to the handoff time. The net handoff delay is reduced to as low as 20ms for IEEE 802.11b networks. Several simulations illustrate the achieved reduction in handoff time.

Author Name
Dr. T Seko
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 10 Issue 2
As wireless sensor networks continue to grow, so does the need for effective security mechanisms. Because sensor networks may interact with sensitive data and / or operate in hostile unattended environments, it is imperative that these security concerns be addressed from the beginning of the system design. However, due to inherent resource and computing constraints, security in sensor networks poses different challenges than traditional network/computer security. Recently, many real-time routing protocols have been proposed, but none is designed with security as a goal. This paper proposes a novel secure enhancement for real-time routing protocol that provides secure real time data in WSN. The proposed security countermeasures HELLO flooding and selective forwarding attacks. It ensures high packet throughput and minimized power consumption in the present of adversary nodes.

Author Name
J Jiagang
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 10 Issue 2
This paper presents an impedance-source inverter fed (or Z-source converter) induction motor with its control characteristics. The results will compare with other traditional inverters. The z-source inverter employs a unique impedance network coupled with inverter and rectifier. It overcomes the conceptual barriers and limitations of the traditional voltage-source inverter such as V-source inverter and current-source inverter such as I-source inverter. By controlling the shoot-through duty cycle, the z-source inverter system provide ride-through capability during voltage sags, reduces line harmonics, improves power factor and extends output voltage range. Analysis and simulation results will presented to demonstrate these features.