Notice Board :

Volume I Issue V

Author Name
M Chen
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 1 Issue 5
The WUM is that the field, wherever the behaviour of the user is analyzed. it's vital to investigate the behaviour of user, as a result of web site owner will recognise the usage pattern of its users. By gathering the behaviour of the user activity, owner will enhance the standard of services to draw in existing still new client. For analysing the usage pattern of the client, internet logs area unit studied like the pages that area unit accessed by the user, methods that is employed by user etc. With the assistance of WUM, server log, and numerous data left by the user helps the organization for the higher choice and execution of the business plans. during this paper, we have a tendency to area unit targeted on reviewing numerous internet usage mining techniques until currently.

Author Name
M Reibenschuh, Marko Reibenschuh
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 1 Issue 5
In recent years, the Web has become the primary means for information. The WWW as a huge, widely distributed, global information service centre for news ,advertisement, consumer information. Cache prefetching technique can improve the hit ratio and expedite users visiting speed. Predictive Web prefetching refers to the mechanism of deducing the forth coming page accesses of a client based on its past accesses. In this paper we demonstrate the frequent mining pattern which is obtain on the basis of input and on the basis of that caching and prefetching ratio is calculated. Thus we present a new idea for the interpretation of Web prefetching and web caching from the given usage items .We Found that our approach has much better performance than the other ones, in the quantitative measures such as hit ratios and byte hit ratios of accessed informations.

Author Name
J Pujolar
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 1 Issue 5
With the increasing popularity of internet technology, theaters are getting threat to network. One of the major threats is that of intruders which may maliciously try to access the data or services. Thus there is a need to protect the network and system from intruders. Therefore, Intrusion Detection systems need to be employed. In the field of intrusion detection system various approach are applied such as signature based intrusion detection, data manning approach, snort, honey port, role based intrusion detection system. In this paper we have proposed new layered framework for intrusion detection system. In this system we have used fuzzy vector, semantic data constrains and trained network framework using neural network.

Author Name
H Zhang
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 1 Issue 5
Proper operation of MANET requires mutual cooperation of participating nodes. Due to presence of selfish or malicious nodes, performance of network degrades significantly. Selfish nodes drop packets coming from its neighbor nodes to conserve its energy or push forward their own packets in the buffer queue. To prevent this misbehavior, selfish nodes need to be detected and isolated from network. This paper, detect selfish nodes which are created due to nodes conserving their energy. After their detection, performance analysis of networks has been done by comparing the ideal network and the network with selfish node using NS2.