Notice Board :

Volume I Issue IV

Author Name
Q V Le
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 1 Issue 4
India exhibits a vast variety of climates. The climate ranges from warm and humid in the coastal areas, hot and arid deserts of Rajasthan and there is dry and cold at the higher altitudes of Ladhakh and Leh region. However, the composite climate, which is a dominant factor in most of the mid latitudes of India, where no single season predominates, poses a challenge to the designer as it has to meet both heating requirements during the winter and cooling requirements during summers with weak driving force of natural energies. Traditional architecture in some form or the other had taken into account the climatic diversity in the form of building materials use, orientation, fenestration etc. The thermal energy flow in a passive building is wholly through natural means of heat transfer i.e. natural conduction, convection and radiation. The term solar architecture means buildings whose design amasses the thermal directional and seasonal aspects of the sun. Solar gain through windows, walls and skylight clerestory and roof sections use.

Author Name
P M Raj
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 1 Issue 4
This paper shows two distance vector routing algorithms which are based on dynamic routing. It represents the basic properties, their goals and their limitations. It is also enlightens the basic differences between the two - Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) and Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP). Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) is a distance-vector routing protocol while Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) is an advanced distance vector routing protocol. As the name implies, EIGRP is better than IGRP. So, we hypothesized network using EIGRP will have a better routing performance.

Author Name
F Cipollini
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 1 Issue 4
One of the central challenges with computer security is determining the difference between normal and potentially harmful activity.Intrusions, in particular, web based ones, have become increasing threats for important information. The unique features AIS encourage the researchers to employ this techniques in variety of applications and especially in intrusion detection systems . Among the wide range of available approaches, it is always challenging to select the optimal algorithm for intrusion detection. In this paper we compare the performance one of the algorithm of artificial immune system called dendritic cell algorithm based on Dempester belief theory with the dendritic cell algorithm and Support vector machine. In terms of accuracy and computational complexity we observe DCA-BF has a strong detection ability and good generalization performance.

Author Name
L P Herrera
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 1 Issue 4
Now days, making use of web based applications becomes crucial for the success of businesses worldwide. But as they are open and built on Internet, this kind of applications is imposing the new challenges to the developers and researchers such as such as dynamic behaviors, heterogeneous representations, novel control flow and data flow mechanisms, etc. In the previous studies, the agent based approach provided for web application testing in order to reduce the complexity of such applications. A four-level data flow test approach can be employed to perform structure testing on them. In this approach, data flow analysis will be performed as Function Level Testing, Function Cluster Level Testing, Object Level Testing, and Web Application Level Testing, from low abstract level to high abstract level. But that approach was limited because only the basic features of such framework are implemented. Therefore, in this research thesis we are further extending that framework with more specific features implement like specific test agents for each particular type of Web document or object. Moreover, integrating more testing approaches, such as navigation testing, object state testing, statistical testing, etc., is still necessary for a systematic testing approach for Web applications.