Notice Board :

Volume VIII Issue IX

Author Name
N Bharti, H Acharya
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 9
Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANET) has become the most important means of communication in our day to day life. A rapid advance in technology and proliferation of wireless devices in the recent times has attracted huge attention towards research on MANET. It has found wide applications in dynamic and infrastructure less environments including emergency rescue operations etc. However, very little work is reported in the literature regarding reliability analyses for MANET. The paper presents survey of reliability analysis for MANET and provides critical reviews on them. Challenges in reliability analyses of MANET are also highlighted in the paper.

Author Name
S Chantara, M A Hajabbasi
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 9
MANET (Mobile ad hoc network) could be a self-configuring network of mobile nodes connected by wireless links. It’s thought of as network without infrastructure as a result of all nodes established temporary paths with others for communication. Numerous routing protocols been planned for effective communication between mobile nodes. The success of routing protocol extremely depends on nodes cooperation. These routing protocols treat the essential assumption that every one node are totally cooperative. However as a result of open structure and restricted battery-based energy node misdeed would possibly materialized. One such misdeed includes node takes part in route discovery and maintenance part however drops or refuses to forward information packets.

Author Name
K Chiew, T Akşit, E Set
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 9
MANET (Mobile ad hoc Network) bank on the cooperation of nodes to produce the elemental operation like routing. For business preparation of those networks, it's vital that they think about adequate security measures. Ungenerous behaviour of ad hoc network nodes may greatly degrade the performance of network. Such behaviour ought to be known and isolated. This paper uses associate existing reputation primarily based mechanism .This paper not solely propose energy as a criteria to pick native reputation threshold, however additionally solve false positive downside. The projected mechanism permits a node to judge the reputation of its neighbours supported native reputation threshold.

Author Name
N Suratannon, K Amil, N Carvalho
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 9
In our analysis, our paper reviews are involved with the software system effort estimation victimization NN approaches to extend the performance and accuracy over the years. Numerous error measuring models like MMRE (mean magnitude relative error), MRE (mean relative error) and PRED (m) is employed by varied analysis scholar for his or her project metrics. the assorted neural network approaches like RBFN(Radial basis function network), MLP (Multi layer perception), SVM (Support Vector Machine) etc, offer the economical performance and accuracy for software system model which is able to be terminated during this paper over the study of assorted year severally. So this study is intended to research the event of a brand new framework model by finding out numerous software systems development cases.