Notice Board :

Volume VII Issue IX

Author Name
M Z Sarikaya, M Özdoğan
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 9
This article associated with network information transmission technology, code technology, serial communications technology, Windows authentication interface technology, data encryption and secret writing techniques area unit studied; the ultimate design and implement a group of "Public pc work Management System”. The system's feature is that the use of low cost, smart compatibility, management model and has higher management potency. Thesis on the general public pc space of the scientific management, software system method of interpretation, computer integrated management, network security of knowledge transmission contains a sure reference price.

Author Name
S Chung, Gogate P, Latha R Kumar
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 9
The coding algorithmic rule of Hill is parole system of the many forms and was suggests by Hill in 1929. Basic thought of Hill coding algorithmic rule is to alter L pieces of plaintext characters into L items of ciphertext characters through linear translation; secret writing solely will inverse transformation. Hill parole will finely resist frequency analysis and exploitation ciphertext attack is extremely a lot of difficult to interrupt through, however it's simple to be broken through by use of plaintext. Characterizing this weakness, the paper proposes associate improved algorithmic rule named P-Hill algorithmic rule based on the coding algorithmic rule of Hill. The algorithmic rule inherits resist frequency analysis and also the characteristic with high efficiency; Strengthening the intensity of encryption, at the same time. The analysis indicates that the structure of P-Hill algorithm is compact, arrangement is correct and there's better execution potency.

Author Name
V Prakash, K Jamil
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 9
This paper presents a replacement optical image secret writing and coding rule supported the methodology of virtual optics. The most properties of the rule are that the original image is split into 2 elements of equal size, one division is encrypted by double random section optical secret writing system, and its cipher text are going to be reborn to 2 section masks as the key to secret writing another half. 2 main modules are included within the rule. One is to secret writing the 2 elements of the original by double random section optical reiterative encryption system. The opposite is victimization nonlinear transformation generated new key. The rule may be enforced easy and an enormous key area. The analysis and therefore the simulation results implied that the rule is of favorable security and efficiency and higher image quality for decrypted image.

Author Name
A Tapwal, M KENSAV, J Bhattacharya
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 9
A new encoding theme for digital pictures based mostly on compound Chaos formula is conferred during this paper. The compound Chaos formula combines the zoologist chaotic system and supply map to come up with the pseudo-random sequences. Then the pseudo-random sequences area unit wont to manufacture the permutation matrix to cipher the digital image. Matlab is employed for simulation testing of the image encoding. Formula safety is analyzed from 3 aspects as well as the histograms comparison among original image and encrypted image, link coefficients of original image and encrypted image, and secret key house analysis. The experimental results indicate that the projected encoding approach is valid and it will expand the secret key house and improve anti-aggressive ability. The compound Chaos formula is often additionally used for color digital image encoding.