Notice Board :

Volume XI Issue VIII

Author Name
Dheeraj Tirole, Y.P. Ladhe
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 11 Issue 8
This paper presents an explorative study of lean manufacturing implementation in India EICHER engineering Works Ltd. Indore. It is a small scale industry. A questionnaire survey is used to find out the extent of lean manufacturing execution. This paper also investigates the material rejection and recovery work that impact the implementation of lean manufacturing. The respondents were precast from those who are directly besmeared with lean manufacturing practices such as production and quality personnel. The conclusion shows that most of the respondent industry is classified as in-transition towards lean manufacturing practice. This in-transition company has intermediate mean values of six month data for lean manufacturing practice categories. It is also found that live more attentions and resources in internal areas such as firms’ operation and management, compared to external relationships with suppliers and customers. These industries consider that the factors that drive the implemen

Author Name
Tapan Bakariya, Nitesh Kumar Mishra
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 11 Issue 8
In view of energy and environmental problems connected with the use of fossil fuels (coal, petroleum and gas) in power generation, an increasing awareness is being paid world-over by the scientists and technocrats for the utilization of renewable energy sources in power generation, metallurgical industries etc. There is an assortment of type of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydropower, biomass energy etc. out of these renewable energy sources biomass is more proficiently viable for almost all the continents in the world. Biomass is a carbonaceous material and provides both the thermal get-up-and-go and diminution for oxides, where as other renewable energy sources can meet our thermal need only. The present work is a positive step towards energy and conservation problems facing the world. The presently selected forestry biomass species has no any for profit use and are underutilized. Presently, co-firing (coal + biomass) has been proved to be more attractive and economi

Author Name
Arvind Kumar, Ritesh Kumar Yadav, Dr. Varsha Namdeo
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 11 Issue 8
The Web applications have developed into the most significant communication manner among various sorts of service suppliers and clients. It has evolved from a static medium, with user interaction limited to navigation among web application pages, to a highly interactive dynamic medium performing concurrent transactions and serving up personalized content. Several recent works attempt to develop a general and schematic methodology for automatically inferring the specifications for internet applications that in turn facilitates automatic and sound verification of application logic. During this research work we proposed “Improved Method to Detect and Prevent SQL Injection Attacks (SQLIA) in Web Applications”. Nevertheless the suggested system will be likewise successful for both simple and complex data types. The proposed method is an advanced tool to discover and avoid attacks in web applications, this method is trouble free to implement and deploy. Throughout this scheme all the informa

Author Name
Garima Yadav, Prof. Chinmay Bhatt2, Dr. Varsha Namdeo
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 11 Issue 8
Nowadays email is an individual most prominent quickest and least expensive method for communications. It has become a bit of everyday life for many residents for their data sharing. Because of its simplicity email is presented to a great deal of dangers. A standout amongst the most basic dangers toward email is spam: at all spontaneous beneficial correspondence. The development of spam movement is proper a stressing issue given that it expends the system data transfer capacity, time of clients and squanders memory and causes monetary misfortune together the clients with the associations. In this paper, we recommend a model that performs characteristic choice for remorseless spam recognition in email among the goal of streamlining the grouping parameter, the figure precision and computation time for later on characterization calculations. A work of ling spam dataset will be utilize for the technique of feature determination, and after that the arrangement of picked features will be val