Notice Board :

Volume IX Issue VII

Author Name
G Garibotto
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 9 Issue 7
This paper introduces a hand gesture recognition system to recognize real time gesture in unstrained environments. Efforts should be made to adapt computers to our natural means of communication: Speech and body language. A simple and fast algorithm using orientation histograms will be developed. This method deals with the dynamic aspects of gestures. Gestures are extracted from a sequence of video images by tracking the skin–color blobs corresponding to the hand into a body face space centered on the face of the user A pattern recognition system will be using a transform that converts an image into a feature vector, which will be compared with the feature vectors of a training set of gestures. The final system will be implemented with a Back propagation neural network.

Author Name
X Yong
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 9 Issue 7
In this paper we are disusing about cloud computing, their types, problem faced while using cloud computing, their solutionsmobilecloud computing, we also explain why we use mobilecloudcommuting ? What is mobile clued computing. We also study the architecture of mobile cloud computing.In this paper we purposed new techniques how do backup and restore data from mobile to cloud. Hear we purposed to apply some compression technique while backup and restore data from Smartphone to cloud and cloud to Smartphone.

Author Name
M O Ogundiya
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 9 Issue 7
For providing more security to the information and to enhance the hiding capacity of an image. We propose a new strategy in image steganography the region-adaptive watermarking algorithm which will be used for the novel application to detect watermark attacks. One of the major advantages of the proposed watermarking detection technique is PSNR and RGB Intensity value that it allows tamper detection using linear classifier by providing these discriminating features. The watermark data is embedded on different regions of the host image using a combination of discrete wavelet transform and singular value decomposition technique. In addition, there is a novel use the region-adaptive watermarking technique as a means to detect if certain types of attack have occurred. At the same time, rotation, translation and scaling belongs to geometric attacks are also applied. The severity of these attacks can be adjusted by modifying their corresponding parameter values. Experimental results will det