Notice Board :

Volume VII Issue VII

Author Name
G Garibotto, Ted C
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 7
This paper aims at dashing up RSA decoding. EAPRSA (Encrypt Assistant Multi-Power RSA) is projected to improve RSA decoding performance by transferring some decryption computations to coding. The experimental result shows that the speed of the decoding has been substantially improved and also the variant may be with efficiency implemented in parallel.

Author Name
Yves N, Dijana M, R Baena Gallé
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 7
Today’s quick growing use of the net for commercial transactions has exaggerated the demand for knowledge protection and network security. New strategies of information encryption / coding area unit perpetually individual developed, with the aim of finding safer, reliable and versatile systems to protect transmitted knowledge from any attainable attacks. The nearby work evaluates the one-dimensional New Mersenne Number rework (1-D NMNT) for security applications by analyzing its avalanche and distribution percentages. It is recommended for security applications, because it is perceptive; changing one component at the input makes forceful changes in the output parts and the other way around, it's parameterized; provides variable block length, has long rework length (power of two), is error free, its inverse is that the same with a scale factor of (1/N) that simplifies implementation of each encryption and coding, and at last, quick algorithms will be applied to that to hurry up process.

Author Name
J Wu, N Junejo
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 7
Two strategies square measure planned to hurry up the Batch RSA secret writing. The primary technique (BMRSA- Batch Multi-Prime RSA) races the Batch RSA secret writing by reducing modules in standard mathematical operation. Another technique (BEARSA- Batch Encrypt Assistant RSA) races the Batch RSA secret writing by transferring some secret writing computations to cryptography. The solutions improve the performance while not decreasing security of Batch RSA. The experimental results show that the speed of the Batch RSA secret writing has been considerably improved by above 2 strategies.

Author Name
A Matange, S Dongre
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 7
Rapid growth of web application has increased the researcher’s interests in this era. All over the world has surrounded by the computer network. There is a very useful application call web application used for the communication and data transfer. An application that is accessed via a web browser over a network is called the web application. Web caching is a well-known strategy for improving the performance of Web based system by keeping Web objects that are likely to be used in the near future in location closer to user. The Web caching mechanisms are implemented at three levels: client level, proxy level and original server level. Significantly, proxy servers play the key roles between users and web sites in lessening of the response time of user requests and saving of network bandwidth.