Notice Board :

Volume VII Issue VI

Author Name
T Casse, J Bremer
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 6
Almost no their own onerous disks has been equipped for some network devices, that the knowledge that followed can overwrite the previous knowledge once their memory is packed, thus result in the information lose and resending the information. This research paper introduces a practicable thanks to solve this issue—Computer Network with Intelligent Disks. once mass knowledge got to be accessed by higher than devices, they will be hold on during this quite computer network first, that’s to mention, to be hold on within the intelligent-disks that insert within the network. In macroscopically, this network has operated of information reservoir. At last, the experiment in computer network that given by this paper verified the practicability of this network.

Author Name
R JR, Libo L, Schwarz R
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 6
The ceramic tile producing method is completely machine-driven with the exception of visual review of the product (sorting stage). There are variety of ways for the automatic detection of many-sided vary of ceramic tile defects and automatic sorting of them. In these ways it's necessary a exchange between sorting accuracy and also the rate of computation. During this paper we tend to propose a system that uses machine-vision techniques for sorting the ceramic tiles. We apply the co-occurrence matrix to extract the options of ceramic tiles like ASM, IDF, distinction and Entropy. As the classifier, we tend to use a multi-layer perception neural network. We investigate the performance of the planned system with different range of layers and totally coaching algorithms of neural networks to classify ceramic tiles into four teams. We compare their speed and accuracy.

Author Name
A N Singh, A Jain, H Yadav
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 6
There are various techniques implemented that are used for the mining of Online Social Media are discussed and their applications such as Community detection and Message Wall Filtering and Student are learning experience and their opinions. Since Online Social Media seems to be advantageous and its usage by various users over internet may create some harm to the other users. Here a new and efficient technique is implemented which is a combinatorial method of applying Fuzzy-Apriori algorithm and then applying CART algorithm for the classification of student’s learning experience. The methodology adopted here for the classification of student’s learning experience on Online Social Network such as Facebook and twitter provides efficient results and better classification as compared to existing technique implemented.

Author Name
O Kniemeyer, A Valdés
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 6
Free-riding is a vital drawback in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file-sharing networks. Once peers refuse to contribute upload information measure, the complete network will collapse. A comparatively new free-riding susceptibility in BitTorrent is that the massive read Exploit, within which a peer connects to as several alternative peers as possible to extend the prospect to induce free knowledge. This exploit cannot be disappointed by tit-for-tat-like mechanisms that have traditionally been wont to ban free-riding. Several approaches are projected to combat the big View Exploit in totally redistributed systems, most of that swear on encoding. However, the employment of standard encoding makes it not possible to verify the correctness of received knowledge. In this research we have a tendency to plan a completely unique encoding technique that will enable verification of the plaintext knowledge while not decode, at the expense of encoding strength. We have a tendency to show that a colluding pee