Notice Board :

Volume VI Issue VI

Author Name
Y E Shimabukuro
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 6
Amino resins are a vital category of cross-linkers for industrial coatings. Amino resins area unit fashioned once aminoalkane or organic compound like organic compound or base reacts with associate degree organic compound and is understood as organic compound gas resins. The solidifying is finished by the thermal solidifying procedure. There are a unit principally 5 experiments area unit performed for various B/U mole ratios. All area unit modify with synthetic resin resins The temperature varies from forty to 800C. it's been studied that 3 parameters vary and create the changes into the speed of solidifying. Experimental results show, once butyl alcohol to organic compound B/U mole quantitative relation offers higher rate of solidifying. we have a tendency to conjointly studied that, by increasing the concentration of solidifying agent will increase the speed of solidifying. The thickness of layer of a hundred microns can offer higher rate of solidifying as compare to the two

Author Name
F Mekbib
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 6
Solar stills were used for water purification in rural areas with lack of water within the honest atmospheric condition. differing kinds of natural process material is employed with star still altogether the papers with the read of enhancing productivity. It acts as heat of transformation thermal energy storage system (LHTESS). it's largely used below the absorbent material plate to urge the H2O throughout cloudy & winter days, significantly in the dark. It changes its part by adding & removal of warmth. this text provides the elaborate review of studies on differing kinds of star still with completely different natural process material (PCM). Numerical and analytical calculations were performed with & while not PCM & thermal performance of the still were additionally compared in sunny & cloudy days. This review additionally thrown lightweight on result of mass of PCM and basin water on the productivity & potency of the system. Productivity & potenc

Author Name
V Rawat, H S Srivastava, MD. M Islam
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 6
The paper represents low noise, high gain differential amplifier circuit using positive feedback at load and at differential end to increase gain.The circuit is designed with short-channel MOSFETs, low noise, and low voltage, resulting in DC gain amendment over a conventional CMOS diff-amp and commensurable to a kenned published diff-amp circuit.

Author Name
Zaprutko T, V Leonski
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 6
Now days, making use of web based applications becomes crucial for the success of businesses worldwide. But as they are open and built on Internet, this kind of applications is imposing the new challenges to the developers and researchers such as such as dynamic behaviors, heterogeneous representations, novel control flow and data flow mechanisms, etc. In the previous studies, the agent based approach provided for web application testing in order to reduce the complexity of such applications. A four-level data flow test approach can be employed to perform structure testing on them. In this approach, data flow analysis will be performed as Function Level Testing, Function Cluster Level Testing, Object Level Testing, and Web Application Level Testing, from low abstract level to high abstract level. But that approach was limited because only the basic features of such framework are implemented. Therefore, in this research thesis we are further extending that framework wi