Notice Board :

Volume VI Issue V

Author Name
R M Yadav, D S Tomar, R K Baghel
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 5
Steganography is the process of embedding information in a carrier in order to protect the secrecy in the terms of text, music, video and images. Steganography is the art of hiding information. Normally information are embedded in images it remain unvisible in the majority of commercial image databases, such as Getty ( or iStock Photo ( Thus the advantage of using steganographic techniques for information hiding is that the existgence is resistant to detection and consequently to tampering. Robustness is a characteristic of critical importance. In this paper, we present the key concepts and the representation of steganography area is graphically & mathematically shown. Distinctions between steganography, cryptography and watermarking in terms of technique and intent are summarized. The common approaches used for embedding information into images are shown in detail. Methods applied for hiding messages are also explored. Steganography to

Author Name
N Hossain, A Jamalipour
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 5
A Dialogue System may be a system that interacts with human in tongue. at this time several universities and firms are developing the dialogue system. This paper can discuss concerning dialogue system, its parts, completely different domains on the idea of genre of dialogue,complexity and its analysis. These domains are info seeking dialogue system, control/command dialogue system, negotiation dialogue system, drawback finding dialogue system, tutorial dialogue system and question respondent dialogue systems. This paper helps the researchers for obtaining information relating to completely different reasonably dialogues system in keeping with the dialogue genre.

Author Name
S Ramnath
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 5
In this paper, a survey is completed on numerous approaches of detective work and correcting word errors in Indian languages. Error detection and correction is very important for linguistic communication application like OCR system, text redaction and morphological analysis. countless work has been wiped out English language during this field. Firstly, a survey is given regarding error detection in English and alternative foreign language like Turkish, Chinese etc and a few Indian language. provincei may be a scheduled language of Indian constitution that is principally spoken in Manipur and in some components of the opposite countries like Burma and People's Republic of Bangladesh. Manipuri is very agglutinative in nature, syllabic, influenced and enriched by the Indo-Aryan languages of Indo-Aryan origin and English. Next, a survey is given regarding what work has been wiped out Manipuri language during this explicit space.

Author Name
J M Cubillo
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 5
The main objective of this paper is to develop associate degree embedded system to observe harmful emissions within the coal mines like greenhouse gas, LPG and it's additionally wont to management the temperature and wetness. mine emission parameter like greenhouse gas, LPG etc is unceasingly monitored by victimization Gas sensing element, temperature monitored by temperature sensing element, and wetness is monitored by wetness sensing element. The hardware is placed within the coal mines. Whenever poison gases, hearth area unit detected by the sensors connected to the small controller, can offer buzzer for alert & transmits the information through Zigbee. The transmitted information are going to be received by the Zigbee receiver and this information are going to be passed to the upper authorities and emergency services by victimization GSM module. And this information has the main points concerning the place, wherever the accident takes place by victimization GPS technologies.