Notice Board :

Volume V Issue V

Author Name
S Tomar, Y Pandey
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 5 Issue 5
The growth of population and technology demand security surveillance behind abnormal human behaviors .Human face detection is a prelude required step of face recognition systems as well as very important process in security based applications. Human often uses faces to recognize persons and advancement in computing capability over the past few decades. The development of face detection system is quite essential in a variety of application such as robotics, security system, and intelligent human-computer interfaces, etcThe growth of population and technology demand security surveillance behind abnormal human behaviours. Now a day’s colour human face detection is complicated task in the field of biometrics research. This paper gives an birds eye over different face detection technique and methods.

Author Name
C S Dlamini, T Lombardi
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 5 Issue 5
Years after the birth of internet, there is a buzz across the world with the concept of Computing. The hottest wave in the world of technology is the potential growth of Computing. With the significant advances in information and communication technology, there is an increasingly perceived vision that computing will one day be the 5th utility [4] (after water, electricity, gas and telephone). This utility will provide the basic level of computing service that is considered essential to meet everyday needs of the general community. A no. Of computing paradigms have been composed of which the latest one is CLOUD COMPUTING. Cloud Computing[1] is an emerging model, where users can gain access to their applications from anywhere through there connected devices .The applications resides in massively scalable data centers where compute resources can be dynamically provisioned and shared to achieve significant economies of scale. The massive popularity of smart phones and tablets among busines

Author Name
R Akhila, J V Gripsy
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 5 Issue 5
A new encryption scheme for digital images based on compound Chaos algorithm is presented in this paper. The compound Chaos algorithm combines the Lorenz Chaotic system and Logistics map to generate the pseudo-random sequences. Then the pseudo-random sequences are used to produce the permutation matrix to encrypt the digital image. Matlab is used for simulation testing of the image encryption. Algorithm safety is analyzed from three aspects including the histograms comparison between original image and encrypted image, correlation coefficients of original image and encrypted image, and secret key space analysis. The experimental results indicate that the proposed encryption approach is valid and it can expand the secret key space and improve anti-aggressive ability. The compound Chaos algorithm can be also used for color digital image encryption

Author Name
P. -Leszkowicz
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 5 Issue 5
Edge detection is always studied in the field of simple image processing and analysis. It is an absolutely necessary step in simple image processing. Problems associated with the processing and statistical analysis of image data are the subject of much interest and many sophisticated techniques for extracting semantic content from degraded or corrupted images have been developed. However, such techniques often require considerable computational resources. The detection localised discontinuities, or edges, in the image can be regarded as a pre-processing operation in relation to these sophisticated techniques, which if implemented efficiently and successfully can provide a means for an exploratory analysis that is useful in two ways and it is proposed that the frequency features of the different operators should be considered when different operators are being used or constructed. Because edge detection operators is sensitive to the edge type the appropriate operator should be adopted i