Notice Board :

Volume IV Issue V

Author Name
S W Hoefle
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 4 Issue 5
Mobile Adhoc Networks are highly appealing in different applications, especially in the last decade after development of wireless LAN technology. But the unique characteristics and dynamic nature present challenges in securing these networks. The ultimate goal of security solution for such networks is to provide security services such as authentication, confidentiality, integrity anonymity and availability. In this paper we examine the Threshold Cryptosystem which securely deliver messages in n shares. As long as the destination receives at least t shares, it can recover the original message. We have explored most-efficient RSA encryption algorithms based Threshold Cryptography (RSA-TC) and have focussed on Elliptical Curve Cryptography based Threshold Cryptography (ECC-TC), a secret sharing alternative that limit communication overheads for transmitting multiple secrets at the same time, A symmetric cryptosystem based KK’ Cryptography Technique is also elaborated here and finally we conclude this paper and identify the challenges and open research area.

Author Name
S wang
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 4 Issue 5
The growth of internet environment has also led to increase in end user suspicious activities. Sometimes the single end user legal activity may be legitimate but when combined together with other activities it may result in malicious activity. Classification is an effective data mining technique which can be used to classify the end users based on their activity in internet environment .The intrusion detection technique performs well for known attack in cyber space but fails sometimes in case of novelty detection. The anomaly detection based on given patterns is an efficient technique for novelty detection .The available classification algorithms fail to detect U2R and R2L category of attacks. In this paper we explore various clustering techniques used for the purpose of intrusion detection .Their performance is compared on attacks using false positive rate and detection rate as the certain performance criteria.

Author Name
Zaprutko L, W Leonski
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 4 Issue 5
This paper studies the adoption of alternative addressing schemes in the Internet Currently there is a pressing need to replace the current addressing scheme of the Internet (IPv4), simply due to shortage of address space and increasing routing problems. The two most likely candidates are IPv6, the “official” successor to IP v4, defined by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) and NAT (Network AddressTranslation), a technical solution to address space shortage within IPv4. In the absence of a worldwide authority to direct the endorsement of one standard, both standards depend on the uncoordinated initiatives of large numbers of users for their adoption. This paper includes the security issues related to ipv6 and NAT, this paper also contains the detail of the controversial scenario of future addressing scheme,The reasons for the difficulty of implementing a homogeneous addressing schemes. The criteria lead to the Conclusion that none of the two will prevail and addressing heterogeneity in the Internet will remain .

Author Name
X Hao
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 4 Issue 5
There are many problems with Internet traffic classification for usually applications such as workload characterization and modeling, capacity planning, route provisioning and network management. For network management, the network manager monitors the traffic, and observes the negative and positive affects over the network infrastructure, while traffic changes from non-P2P to P2P traffic. The network manager basically uses flow priority, traffic policing and diagnostic monitoring to make decision. Accurate network management is possible through accurate traffic classification. Internet traffic classification basically used in many areas such as network management and operation, network design, Quality of Services, traffic control and network security on which network administrator can efficiently handle the network. Some features of data set are irrelevant and redundant and often leads to negative impacts on the accuracy of the most ML algorithms. Feature selection basically reduces features of data set. Thus helps in reducing time required for model generation. They also reduce noise leading to better performance. Traditional Internet traffic classification such as, port number, payload and heuristic, fails to identify the new version of P2P applications. Early version of P2P systems usually use TCP with some fixed ports whereas new version of P2P applications can both use TCP and UDP connections with arbitrary ports. Researchers have applied another technique which is based on statistical features and independent from above methods. The statistical features may be Inter-arrival packet time, Packet lengths, Total number of packets, Mean packet size etc. Machine Learning classification algorithms which are based on statistical features and independent form port and payload-based methods fall into two categories (i) Supervised, (ii) Unsupervised.