Notice Board :

Volume III Issue V

Paper Title
Author Name
D Berild
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 5
- Steganography is a method of hiding the message into some thing. This method is used in the time of highly confidential data transfer. It prevents from being hacked by the unauthorized users. In the current internet community secured data transfer is limited due to its attack made on data communication. So more robust method is chosen so that it ensures secured data transfer is made.

Author Name
E J Goldstein
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 5
Network Surveillance System” as the name suggest the software is all about managing remote computer system connected on a network. The admin has the privilege to view any of the remote computer system machine installed over the network. This application allows the admin to keep a close eye over all the computer systems connected in the network. This application is very useful in all fields where a lot of computer systems are installed. This application will manage the remote computers and can view all the actions being performed on all the computer systems connected in a network.

Author Name
P Davey
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 5
There are various applications which have a huge database. All databases maintain log files that keep records of database changes. This can include tracking various user events. Apache Hadoop can be used for log processing at scale. Log files have become a standard part of large applications and are essential in operating systems, computer networks and distributed systems. Log files are often the only way to identify and locate an error in software, because log file analysis is not affected by any time-based issues known as probe effect. This is opposite to analysis of a running program, when the analytical process can interfere with time-critical or resource critical conditions within the analyzed program. Log files are often very large and can have complex structure. Although the process of generating log files is quite simple and straightforward, log file analysis could be a tremendous task that requires enormous computational resources, long time and sophisticated procedures. This often leads to a common situation, when log files are continuously generated and occupy valuable space on storage devices, but nobody uses them and utilizes enclosed information. The overall goal of this project is to design a generic log analyzer using hadoop map-reduce framework. This generic log analyzer can analyze different kinds of log files such as- Email logs, Web logs, Firewall logs Server logs, Call data logs.

Author Name
K K Kafle
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 5
Enhanced policy of Public Key Infrastructure has been to offer a cryptographically protected means of authenticating identities. But, procedures for authorizing the holders of these identities to perform specific actions still needs additional research and development. While there are a number of proposed standards for authorization structures and protocols. [17, 5, 22, 10, 6] based on X.509 or other key-based identities, none have been widely embraced. As part of an effort to use X.509 identities to offer authorization in highly distributed environments, we have established and arranged an authorization service based on X.509 identified users and access policy enclosed in certificates signed by X.509 identified stakeholders. The major goal of this system, called Akenti, is to produce a usable authorization system for an environment containing of distributed resources used by geographically and administratively distributed users. Akenti assumes communication between users and resources over a secure protocol such as secure socket layer (TLS) which provides shared authentication with X.509 certificates. This paper enlightens the authorization model and policy language used by Akenti, and how we have applied an Apache authorization module to provide Akenti authorization.