Mobile devices refer all kinds of devices that have mobility,
such as laptops, PDAs, tablet PCs, and smart phones. Previous
mobile devices were notorious for restricted battery power and low
CPU performance. Mobile devices have several problems, such as
unstable wireless connection, limitation of power capacity, low
communication bandwidth and frequent location changes. As
resource providers, mobile devices can join and leave the distributed
computing environment unpredictably. This interrupts the
undergoing operation, and the delay or failure of completing the
operation may cause a system failure. Because of low reliability and
no-guarantee of completing an operation, it is difficult to use a
mobile device as a resource. That means that mobile devices are
volatile. Because a join or a leave of a mobile device is unpredictable,
the undergoing process can be also interrupted unpredictably. This
interruption causes the delay of operation completion, and could lead
a system to a fault. Therefore, operations on mobile devices are not
guaranteed for completion. This reduces the reliability of mobile
devices and prevents mobile devices from being used as resource.
Therefore, the dynamic characteristics of mobile devices must be
considered and solved, in order to guarantee the stable usage of
mobile devices as resources. [1].