Notice Board :

Volume VIII Issue IV

Author Name
Yosio E S, A C Arena
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 4
Ad hoc networks are wireless, infrastructure less, multi-hop, dynamic networks established by a collection of mobile nodes. This type of network is highly demanding due to the lack of infrastructure, cost effectiveness and easiness in installation. A research issue in the design of ad hoc networks is the development of dynamic routing protocols that can efficiently find routes between two communicating nodes. In a large network, flat routing schemes produce an excessive amount of information that can saturate the network. Cluster-based routing is a solution to limit the amount of routing information that propagates inside the network. The idea behind clustering is to group the network nodes into a number of overlapping clusters. Several algorithms have been proposed by researchers for formation of cluster and election of clusterhead.

Author Name
J Pujolar, M Reibenschuh, T Casse
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 4
Internet are widely used now a days, today’s Web interactions are frequently short, with an increasing number of responses carrying only control information and no data. While HTTP uses client-initiated TCP for all Web interactions, TCP is not always well-suited for short interactions. Furthermore, client initiated TCP handicaps the deployment of interception caches in the network because of the possibility of disrupted connections when some client packets bypass the cache on their way to the server. We propose a new transfer protocol for Web traffic, called Dual transport HTTP (DHTTP), which splits the traffic between UDP and TCP channels. When choosing the TCP channel, it is the server who opens the connection back to the client.

Author Name
J Bremer, Raiko J
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 4
Turbo codes are a category of superior forward error correction (FEC) codes developed in 1993, that were the primary sensible codes to closely approach the data rate. During this paper the implementation of the Turbo encoder and decoder is incontestable. Comparative study of the capability of block-turbo codes, specifically Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghen turbo codes, convolutional codes and convolutional turbo codes having high code rates over a dispersive five-path gaussian channel and an equally weighted symbol-spaced five-path rayleigh fading channel is additionally shown. The simulation results incontestable that the convolutional turbo codes was the foremost sturdy system for all code rates investigated. an example for Turbo Code performance activity given by Monter Carlo have additionally been given.

Paper Title
Author Name
C Nwachukwu, O Olayide
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 4
Analysis of site usage information involves two main challenges first of all the volume of information, arising from the expansion of internet and second the structural complexity of websites. With the large quantity of data offered on-line the globe wide internet may be a fertile area for data mining analysis. the main goal of this paper is to look at the utilization of knowledge mining on the globe Wide internet. During this paper we have a tendency to survey the research within the area of web mining and discuss concerning three web mining techniques and connected problems. We additionally discuss its application and connected challenges.