Notice Board :

Volume IV Issue IV

Author Name
L Ye
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 4 Issue 4
Attacks on the network infrastructure presently are main threats against network and information security. Most of the existing IDs use all 41 features in the network to evaluate and look for intrusive pattern some of these features are redundant and irrelevant .the drawback of this approach is time consuming detection process and degrading the performance of ID system. In this paper a new hybrid algorithm PCANNA (principal component analysis neural network algorithm) is used to reduce the number of computer resources, both memory and CPU time required to detect attack. The PCA (principal component analysis) transform used to reduce the feature and trained neural network is used to identify the any kinds of new attacks. Test and comparison are done on NSL-KDD dataset .It is a new version of KDDcup99 and has some advantages over KDDcup99, the results showed that the proposed model gives better and robust representation of data as it was able to reduce features resulting in a 80% data reduction and approximately 80% time reduction and approximately 90%-98% accuracy is achieved in detecting new attacks.

Author Name
E Lopatina
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 4 Issue 4
The operational data generated through internet end user interaction may contain noise. Which affect the knowledge based decision. Handling these noisy data is a major challenge. Null value handling is an important noise handling technique in relational data base system. In this paper the issues related to null value are discussed and null value concept based on train data set is applied to real MANIT web server log. A prototype system based on Fuzzy C means with trained data set is also proposed in this paper. The proposed method integrates advantages of fuzzy system and also introduces a new criterion, which enhance the estimated accuracy of the approximation.

Author Name
U Ismaila
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 4 Issue 4
The importance of outsourcing information technology (IT) has been exiting since mid 1960s. Today, outsourcing has become a potentially viable business solution that many IT managers are looking into in order to remain competitive in the current dynamic business and technological environment. In India, the recent IT outsourcing by has raised the awareness and sparked off the interest to conduct this study. The purpose of this paper is therefore to investigate this latest IT trend and to look into the concepts and practice of outsourcing in India. An intensive literature review and an empirical survey based on questionnaire technique were conducted to learn about outsourcing concepts and practices. In the literature review, the concepts of outsourcing were explored. The different types of outsourcing practices and trends, categories of outsourcing services, drivers, benefits, risks, challenges and critical success factors of outsourcing based on the lessons learnt from past outsourcing experiences were discussed while the survey assessed the IT outsourcing trend in India. The survey revealed that outsourcing has been a positive experience. Generally, there are differences in views between people of different roles and there is a gap in the understanding and practice of IT outsourcing in India in comparison to the literature. It is learnt in this study that outsourcing is not a perfect and workable solution for everyone. Organizations should always stand back and examine the outsourcing option. The bottom line is outsourcing should always be backed by an objective business case. It should be not a decision that blindly follows the market trend. Organizations should not simply jump into the outsourcing bandwagon without fully comprehending the outsourcing concept. Thorough evaluation of the feasibility of such business venture is necessary.

Author Name
B Ogunbosi
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 4 Issue 4
Implantable medical devices (IMDs) have played an important role in many medical fields. Any failure in IMDs op-erations could cause serious consequences and it is important to protect the IMDs access from unauthenticated access. This study investigates secure IMD data collection within a telehealthcare [mobile health (m-health)] network. We use medical sensors car-ried by patients to securely access IMD data and perform se-cure sensor-to-sensor communications between patients to relay the IMD data to a remote doctor’s server. To meet the require-ments on low computational complexity, we choose N-th degree truncated polynomial ring (NTRU)-based encryption/decryption to secure IMD–sensor and sensor–sensor communications. An ex-tended matryoshkas model is developed to estimate direct/indirect trust relationship among sensors. An NTRU hardware imple-mentation in very large integrated circuit hardware description language is studied based on industry Standard IEEE 1363 to increase the speed of key generation. The performance analysis results demonstrate the security robustness of the proposed IMD data access trust model.