Notice Board :

Volume XVI Issue IV

Author Name
Ratnesh Khatik, Lalit Mohan Choudhary
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 16 Issue 4
Population mobility and population density are two interrelated but different concepts. Population dynamics is the part of ecology that deals with the variation in time and space of population size and density for one or more species. And the second is related to the size and area of ​​the population. Population growth refers to the change in the number of people living in a particular area at any time.

Author Name
Dhananjay Kamalakar Deshmukh, Mejar Singh
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 16 Issue 4
This study examined the impact of interval training on aggression levels in Kabaddi players. Employing a pre-test/post-test design, the research investigated changes in aggression following an interval training program. Statistical analysis revealed a significant difference (t(df) = 6.147, p < 0.05) between pre-test and post-test aggression scores. Notably, pre-test scores indicated higher levels of aggression compared to post-test scores. These findings suggest that interval training can be a successful intervention for reducing aggression in Kabaddi athletes. The study contributes to the expanding body of knowledge on the positive psychological benefits of exercise. Specifically, it highlights the potential of interval training as a tool for managing aggression within the athletic population. By incorporating interval training into training regimens, coaches and athletes may be able to cultivate a more positive and controlled emotional environment, potentially leading to improved per

Author Name
Pooja Giradkar
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 16 Issue 4
Inventory management practices (IMP) are prevalent in managing and controlling inventory in an organisation. The study aims to measure the performance of steel manufacturing firms by determining the effect of Distribution turnover and inventory automation over competitive strength and operational efficiencies evident that the above relationship of the study are some key officials, viz. operations manager, production manager, purchase manager and warehouse manager from manufacturing firms. As per the need of the study, various statistical tools such as correlation, multiple regression, confirmatory factor analysis and. The outcome of the study concludes that IMP has significant impact on firm performance and also contributes to the existing body of knowledge by helping inventory management practitioners of manufacturing industry.

Author Name
Shyam Chandra Adhikari
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 16 Issue 4
In this paper, attempts are focused on economic thoughts of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, mainly economic ideas reflected in his writings Problems of ‘Small Holdings in India and their remedies’ and its relevancy in Nepal.It can be said that Nepal economy at present is facing many problems similar to that at the time of Dr. B. R. Ambedkarin the field of agriculture. Analyzing his economic ideology, it can be said that Nepal could have been more agriculture growth if his ideas had been followed in its true spirit. So we can say that Nepal needs to follow his economic ideology in her short term as well as long term economic planning and policy making to shape a prosperous Nepalthrough agriculture development. Dr. Ambedkar analyzed India's agrarian problems from the view point on an economist. His main concern then was surplus labour and excess labour employment in agriculture leads toward scarcity of capital goods resulting in low agricultural productivity ultimately affecting adversely the proces