Notice Board :

Volume XV Issue IV

Author Name
Swati Surabhi, Sameena Elyas Mubeen
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 15 Issue 4
In this paper a digital active power filter is introduced into a grid system with non-linear load for elimination of harmonics in the source current. Nonlinear loads are essential part of power system. With the advancement in power electronics, switching elements have major share in electrical load. The active filter has a voltage source converter (VSC) which works in back-to-back configuration with a DC coupling capacitor. Power is injected by the VCS at the point of common coupling (PCC). The reference current is generated using instantaneous power theory. The instantaneous power theory or PQ theory is updated with FIS control system for better DC voltage generation across the DC link capacitor. The fuzzy system replacing the PI controller has (7x7) 49 rule base structure for generation of error signal

Author Name
Rajat Kesharwani, Durgesh Vishwakarma
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 15 Issue 4
This paper includes analysis of passive filter and active power filter connected to a non-linear load connected grid system. A proposed structure of a parallel hybrid power filter is introduced which is appropriate for group elimination of current harmonics as well as reactive power compensation in medium or low voltage power grids. According to the common structures of parallel hybrid filters, the proposed structures include a series resonance circuit with a small inductance in parallel with the active power filter. In other words, the passive filter design is a hybrid structure in which the majority of the main reactive current passes through additional inductance instead of passing through the active power filter, which reduces the current flowing through the switching equipment of the power converter. Also, due to the special design of the passive filter in this proposed structure, the active power filter does not need to withstand the harmonic voltage. Therefore,

Author Name
Divyansh Shukla, K.G Kirar
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 15 Issue 4
In This Paper Review on R.C.C. Beam Durability of Reinforced Bamboo-Glass Fiber The use of composite materials has seen many new innovations for a large variety of applications. The area of reinforcement in composites is also rapidly evolving with many new discoveries, including the use of hybrid fibers, sustainable materials, and Nano cellulose. In this review, studies on hybrid fiber reinforcement, the use of Nano cellulose, the use of Nano cellulose in hybrid forms, the use of Nano cellulose with other nanomaterial’s, the applications of these materials, and finally, the challenges and opportunities (including safety issues) of their use are thoroughly discussed. This review will point out new prospects for the composite materials world, enabling the use of nano- and micron-sized materials together and creating value-added products at the industrial scale. Furthermore, the use of hybrid structures consisting of two different nano-materials

Author Name
Meenakshi Pathak, Atul Singh Sengar
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 15 Issue 4
The purpose of this research is to compare some coordinative abilities in terms of team and individual sports. A total of 609 players of different game is selected and different age group of boys and girls such as 11 years, 13 years and 15 years were included in the research. It is also to accentuate that the coordinative abilities of dissimilar sports persons, playing various games are also dominating in various degrees. In this study, sports persons who have taken part in the interschool level competitions were considered as one of the categorical variables. To achieve this purpose, two standardized field tests were conducted. The investigation was carried out on 322 male subjects and 287 female subjects who belong to 11, 13 and 15 years of age and play basketball, handball and kho-kho for their school teams. Three sports disciplines, selected for this study were considered as another categorical variable. The coordinative abilities selected for the study were kinaesthetic differenti