In current scenario, phishing attacks are very much
problematic. These attacks try to steal the
confidential information, such as Username,
Password etc., of the users. Phishing is done either
by e-mails or instant messaging or by a spoofed
website which is an exact replica of original one. It’s
very difficult to distinguish fake websites and
legitimate sites. Homograph attacks also help in
phishing and make it more difficult for users to
identify them. Some malware like Key-loggers also
helped to steal the crucial information. A different
type of malware called Transaction Generator also
helped attackers. Instead of passing the confidential
information to attackers, it waits till the user login
into their accounts and then does the transaction in
background illegally.
To secure user and their personal and confidential
information, this paper describes several traditional
methods with their pros and cons with an additional
method Password-Transaction Secure Window
(PTSW). We discuss a different type of method
which is more reliable technique to deal with these
attacks. This will result as a better and a common
solution against different attacks such as Phishing
attacks, Homograph attacks etc. as well as against
malwares such as Key-loggers, Transaction
Generators etc.