Notice Board :

Volume III Issue III

Author Name
M Wang
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 3
The Web Mining is the collection of methods of Data Mining used to extract constructive knowledge and useful information from Web data. As many organizations depend on the Internet to carry out daily trade, the study of Web mining methods to find out useful information has become increasingly significant. In Web Mining, it is required to have a predictive and productive association rules for web navigation. An association rule expresses an association between items or sets of items. Discovering these rules is important for cross marketing analysis, attached mailing applications, store layout, customer segmentation based on buying patterns etc. One of the significant challenges to offer web intelligent services is the analysis of web server logs. This paper introduces the user navigation approach dependent on their actions discovered from web log information and also it offers better prediction correctness than Streaming Association Rule (SAR) model. It improves the present SAR mining pattern with Apriori-like algorithm and Dynamic programming approach. To recognize and better serve the requirements of web based functions, web usage mining act as a basic driving force. Web usage mining has become admired in various areas related with Web site expansion. In Web usage mining, frequently visited navigational paths are taken out in terms of Web page addresses from the Web server visit logs, and the patterns are used in various applications including recommendation.

Author Name
T Hasegawa
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 3
— Formation of the iris begins during the third month of embryonic life. The unique pattern on the surface of the iris is formed during the first year of life, and pigmentation of the stroma takes place for the first few years. Formation of the unique patterns of the iris is random and not related to any genetic factors. Iris recognition is considered the foremost reliable and correct identity verification system accessible. Most industrial iris recognition systems use proprietary algorithms developed by Daugman, and these algorithms area unit able to manufacture good recognition rates however not includes time demand in account. However, printed results have typically been made below favorable conditions, and there are no freelance trials of the technology. therefore to develop generalized real time and economical iris recognition system this paper presents some serious modifications. The things throughout iris acquisition plays a vital role in recognition method and it's usually found that they're greatly obscure or imprecise; it's inconceivable to handle it properly with the assistance of typical techniques. This paper primarily concentrates 3 serious modifications in accessible typical iris recognition methodology for real time and economical iris recognition. Mean wise modification planned area unit within the pupil segmentation half, Feature extraction half for handling pupil illumination downside and iris matching half for providing high speed iris recognition. therefore the planned work deals with not solely the correction to the time demand in addition as deals with higher recognition potency demand with some serious modifications within the typical technique

Author Name
T Tze-wai
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 3
Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is one of the most promising fields for research and development of wireless network. Security is essential requirement in MANET .In ad hoc network the communicating nodes do not necessarily relay on fixed infrastructure, which sets new challenges for the security architecture. Impersonation attack i s special case of integrity attacks where by a compromi se node impersonates a legitimate node one due to the lac k of authentication in current ad hoc routing protocol. In this paper, we are describing the causes of impersonation attack and their vulnerable effects which give chance to a malicious node for doing other attacks too. Our approach is to detecting and eliminating impersonation attack using secure routing protocols.

Author Name
M Rathi
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 3
Knowledge management is not one single discipline. Rather, it an integration of numerous endeavors and fields of study. This paper provides a framework for characterizing the various tools (methods, practices and technologies) available to knowledge management practitioners. It provides a high-level overview of a number of key terms and concepts, describes the framework, provides examples of how to use it, and explores a variety of potential application areas.