Notice Board :

Volume XV Issue III

Author Name
Amrit Raj, Alka Thakur
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 15 Issue 3
Because electrical power system parameters are frequently mixed with noise, AC distribution systems have recently encountered high harmonic pollution. The perfect AC power system should have a constant frequency at a certain voltage, but due to connected nonlinear loads, nonsinusoidal active source injection into the grid, and other factors, both the current and voltage waveforms are significantly distorted today. As a result, other systemconnected equipment has been impacted. This has raised system losses. If these impacts cannot be completely eliminated, then it is necessary to mitigate them, which is why the Kalman filter was proposed. In the area of electrical power discipline, especially in harmonic estimation, it has been very helpful. It has also found use in power system dynamics, optimal motor control and operation, relay operation and protection, and precise forecasting of short- and medium-term electrical demand. In this essay, the importance of the Ka

Author Name
Gyana Chopra, Rishi Kushwah
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 15 Issue 3
In the case of visual detection, the acquisition of traffic signals and identity is a common application domain. Visual recognition of the involvement and separation of information contained in the panel can be of great help to the driver. Traffic panels direct driver assistance along routes using signals and text strings. Depending on the color and shape factors, a traffic signal is available and recognizable. Several methods have been used to extract the color and appearance of traffic signals. This paper provides a survey of road traffic identification and recognition surveys, detailing the driver's assistance plan to ensure safe travel. A brief review of the latest development techniques used by researchers provided the findings and cognitive stages and brought about the classification of machine learning strategies and their comparisons

Author Name
Malthu Lal Saini, Sachin Baraskar
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 15 Issue 3
The storage of thermal energy in the form of sensible and latent heat has become an important aspect of energy management with the emphasis on efficient use and conservation of the waste heat and solar energy in industry and buildings. Latent heat storage is one of the most efficient ways of storing thermal energy. Solar energy is a renewable energy source that can generate electricity, provide hot water, heat and cool a house, and provide lighting for buildings. Paraffin waxes are cheap and have moderate thermal energy storage density but low thermal conductivity and, hence, require a large surface area. Hydrated salts have a larger energy storage density and a higher thermal conductivity. In response to increasing electrical energy costs and the desire for better lad management, thermal storage technology has recently been developed. The storage of thermal energy in the form of sensible and latent heat has become an important aspect of energy management with the emphasis on the efficient

Author Name
Sunil Sharma
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 15 Issue 3
Online impulse purchase is an important factor that could benefit online retailers and advertising agencies. In social media marketing contexts, terms like "personalization of advertisements", "advt value", "website aesthetics", and consumer "information-sharing concerns" are being utilised, and methods are also being framed accordingly. However, little study has examined the potential link between the aforementioned characteristics and the online impulse buying behaviour of working women. The current study provides insight into how these social media elements affect women consumers' propensity for online impulse purchases, an area of special significance in online business contexts. This study proposes and evaluates a conceptual framework that takes into account a number of variables to assess Gorakhpur District working women's propensity for online impulse purchases. The survey's findings demonstrated the effectiveness of personalised ads, ad value, and website design in predicting c