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Volume VII Issue II

Author Name
M H Kabir, A Hasbullah, M A Hossain
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 2
As networking technology advances, the gap between network information measure and network process power widens. Information security problems boost the requirement for developing high-performance network process hardware, notably that for data processing of cryptologic algorithms. This paper presents a configurable design for Advanced coding Standard (AES) coding, whose major building blocks are a group of AES processors. Every AES processor provides block cipher schemes with a completely unique on-the-fly key growth style for the original AES algorithmic rule Associate in Nursingd an extended AES algorithmic rule. In this multicore design, the memory controller of every AES processor is intended for the most overlapping between knowledge transfer and coding, reducing interrupt handling load of the host processor. This style is applied to high-speed systems since its freelance knowledge methods greatly reduces the input/output bandwidth downside. A take a look at chip has been ficti

Author Name
J Santibañez, F Mekbib
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 2
We adapt merge kind for one SPU of the Cell Broadband Engine. This adaptation takes advantage of the vector directions supported by the SPU. Investigational results indicate that our merge kind adaptation is quicker than different kind algorithms (e.g., AA sort, Cell sort, fast sort) planned for the SPU further as quicker than our SPU variations of shaker kind and rick sort. an extra advantage is that our merge kind adaptation IS a stable kind whereas none of the opposite kind variations is stable.

Author Name
P Bhargava, Prof. S Shukla
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 2
This research work presents a simple, yet efficient way to remove noise from digital images. The method comprises two phases: the first phase is to detect the noise in the image. In this phase, based on only the intensity values, the pixels are roughly divided into two classes, which are “noise-free pixel” and “noise pixel”. Then, the second phase is to remove the impulse noise from the image. In this phase, only the “noise-pixels” are processed. The “noise free pixels” are copied directly to the output image. In this research paper, present a new method for the removal of noise from digital images. The noise is exactly estimated through the proposed operator. The distinctive feature of the proposed operator is that it offers well line, edge, detail and texture preservation performance while, at the same time, effectively removing noise from the input image. Fuzzy Mean filter is capable of removing all kind of noise.

Author Name
Y Kakde, Dr. M K Rawat, J Dangra
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 2
At present, search engine of crawler systems for hidden Web are issue to further and more attention. This extensive abstract presents a narrative hybrid technique to build a collection of freelancing web hidden Web resources. In this technique adopt dissimilar types of URL update present by dissimilar algorithms to accomplish a rational update. This technique presents the opportunity of building information structures on hidden web portals in a scalable and sustainable manner.