Notice Board :

Volume VI Issue II

Author Name
U S Kurmi, H S Srivastava, D Agrawal, R K Baghel
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 2
Face detection is complex problem of image processing due to the problems of illumination, occlusion, and imaging condition. This paper presents algorithm for face detection based on segmentation process. Segmentation is applied to detect skin region in RGB color space. The illumination problem eliminated by white balance correction of input image and the segmentation performance improved. Computation time is reduced by segmentation process. Logical „and operation‟ is performed on input image and white balance corrected image. Then dilation and erosion morphological operations are performed. Bounding box ratio is used to extract the face region. The bounding box ratio, width over height, is decided experimentally. Face feature extraction is performed by using Laplacian of Gaussian Filter (LoG). Isosceles triangle property is used to find face features. On the basis of face features, face image is detected.

Author Name
R Srivastava, S S Thakur
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 2
Biometric information offers a reliable and secure solution to the problem of user authentication but, biometric systems themselves are vulnerable to a number of attacks. It is needed to secure firstly the biometric information, The available biometric template protection schemes are not yet sufficiently mature for large scale deployment; they do not meet the requirements of diversity, revocability, security, and high-recognition performance. Cryptography is one of the techniques to secure biometric information but the implementation of cryptographic systems presents several requirements and challenges. for example the performance of algorithm often crucially, and guaranteeing security is a formidable change, one needs encryption algorithms to run at the transmission rates of the communication links at the speed that are achieve through to designing a cryptographic algorithm . In this work the main focus is on the data pattern, so that we can improve the matching performance after cryp

Author Name
C Sohani, P Patidar, K Barua, M K Rawat
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 2
Among the different types of video-semantic information, events pose the greatest challenge in terms of the accuracy that can be achieved in their automatic modeling and classification. Automatic recognition of video highlights has been the focus of a number of research efforts in recent years, yet to model and extract events for semantic classification using low-level video features remains a major challenge. It is however a topical issue mainly due to: (i) An increasing needs for automatic classification of specific events in the networked society, at very least for surveillance and perceptual user interfaces. (ii) The lack of robust feature definition and classification schemes for video events. For semantic event classification techniques, the events are generally represented as vectors of feature values. The typical approach is to build a computational model for transformation of video frames into event features. As is evident in many supervised learning problems, feature selectio

Author Name
B P Iamanaka
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 2
Resolution is a big issue in SOC (System On Chip) while dealing with number of master trying to sense asingle data bus . The effectiveness of a system to resolve this priority resides in its ability to logical assignment of the chance to transmit data width of the data, response to the interrupts etc. The purpose of this paper is to propose the scheme to implement such a system using the specification of AMBA busprotocol .The scheme involves the typical AMBA features of „single clock edge transition, „Split transaction „several bus masters „, „burst transfer ‟.The bus arbiter ensures that only one bus master at a time is allowed to initiate data transfers. Even though the arbitration protocol is fixed, any arbitration algorithm, such as highest priority or fair access can be implemented depending on the application requirements. The design architecture is written using VHDL(Very High Speed Integrated Circuits Hardware Description Language) code using Xilinx ISE Tools .The architecture