Notice Board :

Volume V Issue II

Author Name
A C Arena
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 5 Issue 2
Mobile ad hoc network(MANET) is the latest application of telecommunication. This is one of the most innovative and challenging area of wireless networking .Ant Colony Algorithm has been used in Mobile Network since long because of isomorphism between pheromone graph and stigmergic architecture of ant colony algorithm on one side and structure & constraints of communication network on the other side. A literature survey is given in this paper on different ACO application in communication network. We review algorithms and summarize their operation. In review papers different methods are available for further improvements of qualitative parameters at network layer of mobile ad hoc network. A new concept for the improvement of performance of protocol is introduced in this paper.

Author Name
Dichi I, Y E Shimabukuro
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 5 Issue 2
hop, dynamic networks established by a collection of mobile nodes. This type of network is highly demanding due to the lack of infrastructure, cost effectiveness and easiness in installation. A research issue in the design of ad hoc networks is the development of dynamic routing protocols that can efficiently find routes between two communicating nodes. In a large network, flat routing schemes produce an excessive amount of information that can saturate the network. Cluster-based routing is a solution to limit the amount of routing information that propagates inside the network. The idea behind clustering is to group the network nodes into a number of overlapping clusters. Several algorithms have been proposed by researchers for formation of cluster and election of clusterhead. During the cluster formation phase, the ordinary nodes select their best as the clusterhead. The mobile nodes are vulnerable to security attacks, so ensuring the security of the network is essential. To enhance security, it is important to evaluate the trustworthiness of nodes without depending on central authorities. The proposed work calculates trustworthiness of the nodes based on all previous transactions in all situations and takes it in to account while electing clusterheads.

Author Name
S Lasram
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 5 Issue 2
The combinational approach of probabilistic and distance based scheme support high mobility network with frequent changes in the neighbor set. The vision of Mobile unplanned Network (MANET) is wireless web, wherever users will move anyplace anytime and still remaining connected with the remainder of the planet. Broadcasting could be a basic operation in MANETs wherever a supply node transmits a message that's to be disseminated to all or any the nodes within the network. Network wide broadcasting in Mobile unplanned Network provides necessary management and route institution practicality for variety of unicast and multicast protocols. Broadcasting in Manet poses a lot of challenges than in wired networks due to node quality and scarce system resources. Broadcasting is classified into settled and probabilistic schemes. This paper re views the probabilistic broadcasting protocol as a result of its ability in dynamical atmosphere. Probabilistic broadcasting is best suited in terms of unplanned network that is acknowledge for its decentralised network nature. likelihood, counter and distance based mostly theme beneath probabilistic theme ar mentioned during this paper. Besides the essential likelihood theme this paper conjointly includes their recent advancements. transmit is one amongst the initial task for route discovery in reactive protocols. This review paper establish that protocol provides higher performance in terms of reachability, saved transmit and average latency in rebroadcasting a route request message. Simulation results ar conferred, that shows reachability, saved transmit and average latency of the probabilistic broadcast protocols. The comparati ve study shows the advance of increased theme over probabilistic schemes.

Author Name
G Xiaoqing
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 5 Issue 2
Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring network of mobile nodes connected by wireless links. It is considered as network without infrastructure because all nodes set up temporary paths with others for communication. Various routing protocols been proposed for effective communication between mobile nodes. The success of routing protocol highly depends on nodes cooperation. These routing protocols operate on the basic assumption that all nodes are fully cooperative. But because of open structure and limited battery-based energy node misbehavior might took place. One such misbehavior includes node takes part in route discovery and maintenance phase but drops or refuses to forward data packets. In this paper we proposed a 3-fold approach that deals with such misbehavior. Our approach can be integrated on top of any source routing protocol and consists of detection, isolation and mitigation of misbehaving nodes.