Mobile communication is one of
the hottest areas and it is developing extremely
fast in present times, thanks to the advances of
technology in all the fields of mobile and
wireless communications. Nowadays the use of
3G mobile communication systems seem to be
the standard, while 4G stands for the next
generation of wireless and mobile
communications. This comparative study
between 3G & 4G tells about the background
and the vision for the 4G. We first present a
review on the development history,
characteristics, status of mobile
communication and related 3G - 4G
perspectives. An overall 4G framework
features, having the basic keys (diversity and
adaptability) of the three targets (terminals,
networks, and applications). We present it in
both external and internal diversity of each
target to illustrate the causes and solutions of
the adaptability feature. Then, the 4G domain
of each feature in the framework is discussed
from technical point, showing techniques and
possible research issues for sufficient support
of adaptability. At the end, a summary on 4G
visions and some of the issues this new
technology may face. 5G Technology stands
for 5th Generation Mobile technology. 5G is a
name used in some research papers and
projects to denote the next major phase of
mobile telecommunications standards beyond
the upcoming 4G standards. Currently, 5G is
not a term officially used for any particular
specification or in any official document yet
made public by telecommunication companies
or standardization bodies such as 3GPP,
WiMAX Forum or ITU-R. New standard
releases beyond 4G are in progress by
standardization bodies, but at this time are not
considered as new mobile generations since
implementation and rollout of systems
compliant with 4G is still under way; the goals
of a 5G-based telecommunications network
would ideally answer the challenges that a 4G
model would present once it has entered
widespread use.