Notice Board :

Volume III Issue II

Author Name
H Okuyama
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 2
Decision tree classification techniques are currently gaining increasing impact especially in the light of the ongoing growth of data mining services. A central challenge for the decision tree classification is the identification of split rule and correct attributes. In this context, the article aims at presenting the current state of research on different techniques for classification using oblique decision tree. A variation to the traditional approach is the called oblique decision tree or multivariate decision tree, which allows multivariate tests in its non-terminal nodes. Univariate trees can only perform axis-parallel splits, whereas O blique decision trees can model the decision boundaries that are oblique to attribute axis. The majority of these decision tree induction algorithms performs a top-down growing tree strategy and relay on an impurity-based measure for splitting nodes criteria. In this context, the article aims at presenting the current state of research on different techniques for O blique Decision Tree classification. For this, the paper analyzes various traditional Multivariate and O blique Decision Tree algorithms CART, O C1 as well as standard SVM, GDT implementation.

Author Name
P Yagupsky
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 2
In The previous couple of years, we've seen several new and powerful steganography technique reported in literature. Steganography is that the method of activity one medium of communication (text, sound or image) among another. a glance at the history beginning with historiographer in ancient Balkan state describing secret messages written in wax on stone tablets, to warfare two‟s secret double that means Nazi messages and British Intelligences invisible ink. last the techniques are licensed with Osama Bin Laden's Al-Qa‟eda terrorist network. There are several techniques for activity messages in pictures in such a fashion that the alterations created to the image square measure perceptually indiscernible. However, the question whether or not they end in pictures that square measure statistically indistinguishable from unhampered pictures has not been adequately explored.

Author Name
N D Nte
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 2
- There is Variety of mobile software has been developed but many projects have revealed that, inconsistent, incomplete, and testing is numerous and has a critical impact on the quality of the resulting software. Late testing was observed to be incredibly expensive. A lot of mobile software project considered to be failures because of bad testing. If mobile software not tested earlier and any change occurs in later phase, it raises project cost. Similar if mobile project lunched and then any error occur in Mobile design then it is much expensive for mobile company. In this paper author points on this problem and produce estimation in design phase through mobile design documents (Storyboard)

Author Name
J Gummerus
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 2
Mobile communication is one of the hottest areas and it is developing extremely fast in present times, thanks to the advances of technology in all the fields of mobile and wireless communications. Nowadays the use of 3G mobile communication systems seem to be the standard, while 4G stands for the next generation of wireless and mobile communications. This comparative study between 3G & 4G tells about the background and the vision for the 4G. We first present a review on the development history, characteristics, status of mobile communication and related 3G - 4G perspectives. An overall 4G framework features, having the basic keys (diversity and adaptability) of the three targets (terminals, networks, and applications). We present it in both external and internal diversity of each target to illustrate the causes and solutions of the adaptability feature. Then, the 4G domain of each feature in the framework is discussed from technical point, showing techniques and possible research issues for sufficient support of adaptability. At the end, a summary on 4G visions and some of the issues this new technology may face. 5G Technology stands for 5th Generation Mobile technology. 5G is a name used in some research papers and projects to denote the next major phase of mobile telecommunications standards beyond the upcoming 4G standards. Currently, 5G is not a term officially used for any particular specification or in any official document yet made public by telecommunication companies or standardization bodies such as 3GPP, WiMAX Forum or ITU-R. New standard releases beyond 4G are in progress by standardization bodies, but at this time are not considered as new mobile generations since implementation and rollout of systems compliant with 4G is still under way; the goals of a 5G-based telecommunications network would ideally answer the challenges that a 4G model would present once it has entered widespread use.