Notice Board :

Volume VII Issue XII

Author Name
S Y Reznik
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 12
Application nowadays. the online Mining is associate degree application of knowledge Mining. while not the net, life would are nearly impossible. the information out there on the online is therefore voluminous and heterogeneous that it becomes a vital issue to mine this available knowledge to form it respectable helpful pertinent to a particular rawback. internet mining deals with extracting these interesting patterns developing helpful abstracts from diversified sources. this paper deals with a preliminary discussion of internet mining concentrates on internet text mining finally addressing the challenges ofWEB MINING how it\'s directly mirrored as a necessity for the day .

Author Name
S Rezaeian, K Thway
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 12
Fundamental measure of process power in an exceedingly database management system is that the performance of the kind utility it provides. Once sorting an outsized file on a serial computer, performance is proscribed by factors involving processor speed, memory capability, and I/O information measure. during this paper, we investigate the practicableness and potency of a parallel sort-merge algorithm through implementation on the JASMZN paradigm, a backend multiprocessor designed around a quick packet bus. We describe the look and implementation of a parallel type utility. We then gift and analyze the results of measurements corresponding to a spread of file sizes and processor configurations. Our results show that victimization current, off-the-rack technology coupled with a efficient distributed software package, three- and five-microprocessor configurations give a awfully cost-effective style of massive files. The three-processor configuration sorts a hundred Mbyte go into one, that

Author Name
J NGUEDIA, G Mansilla, D Sauce
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 12
A skeleton for the event of distributed object-oriented systems in heterogeneous environments is conferred. This model makes an attempt to include ideas of distributed computing technology at the side of software engineering ways. A tool has been developed to enforce the model by suggests that of a high-level Specification language ANd an automatic code generator. However, it's emphasised that the model could be exploited as a methodologic foundation even outside an automatic genemtion approach.

Author Name
O Arias-Carrión, Y WEI
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 12
The growing complexness of contemporary processors has created the generation of extremely economical code progressively tough. Manual code generation is incredibly time overwhelming, however it's typically the only selection since the code generated by today’s compiler technology typically has abundant lower performance than the best hand-tuned codes. A promising code generation strategy, enforced by systems like ATLAS, FFTW and SPIRAL, uses empirical search to search out the parameter values of the implementation, like the tile size and instruction schedules, that deliver near-optimal performance for a specific machine. However, this approach has solely well-tried successful on scientific codes whose performance doesn't depend on the computer file. during this paper we have a tendency to study machine learning techniques to increase empirical search to the generation of sorting routines, whose performance depends on the input characteristics and therefore the design of the target m