Notice Board :

Volume XIV Issue XII

Author Name
Abhishek Gaurav, Alka Thakur
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 14 Issue 12
Due to a variety of factors, including protection issues, voltage/current inversion, sub-harmonic oscillations, and transients—especially when there is series compensated modulation of voltage and current waveforms with swing frequency—fault detection during power swing conditions is a challenge for the stable operation of power systems. This study suggests a negative-sequence current-based method for identifying the presence of a fault, its classification, its estimated zone and location, and its time of occurrence relative to the system reference clock in a series compensated line. For fault detection various techniques has been developed and a lots of work has been done in this field. In this paper, we present the review of literature for the fault detection in transmission lines

Author Name
Dileep Kumar Yadav, Harsh Lohiya
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 14 Issue 12
Accurate short-term sales forecasting enables businesses to reduce stocked and expired products within stores while also preventing missed sales. Early sales forecasting is crucial in consumer-oriented markets to maintain a healthy profit after selling the products. The many data science strategies currently in use for predicting sales are reviewed in this paper. We also include a literature review of the many models and algorithms utilized by researchers across the board to anticipate sales. Additionally, we examine certain estimating or measuring parameters that assess the predictive

Author Name
Nikita Katakwar , Chetan Agrawal, Pawan Meena
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 14 Issue 12
The News is significant piece of our life. In everyday life current news are useful to improve information what occur all throughout the planet. So the vast majority of people groups lean toward watching news a large portion of the people groups for the most part favor perusing paper promptly toward the beginning of the day appreciating with cup of tea. On the off chance that news is phony that will delude people groups now and then phony word used to get out bits of gossip about things or it will influence some political pioneer positions on account of phony news. So it's vital to track down the phony news. This exploration proposed an advanced framework to distinguish fake news, yet now daily's information on web or online media is expanding immensely and it is so rushed to recognize news is phony or not by looking all information and it is tedious so we use characterization strategies to order colossal information. This paper proposed fake news detection system based on the classifi

Author Name
Ashish Rathor , Sumit Sharma
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 14 Issue 12
The Web clients for emerging social networks (SNs) like Facebook, Twitter, and WeChat are globally interconnected. WeChat is one of these SNs as an example. By doing research on social networks and analyzing the data gathered from these networks, we were able to get information on the comments that people made regarding a certain product. The analysis of these remarks shows how effective this method is for creating marketing and advertising campaigns. Viral marketing, finding popular bloggers, social advertising, social healthcare, finding experts, individualized praise, citation networks, and other typical applications are some examples. Social media platforms contain interactive tools and recommendations for the creation, distribution, and replacement of user-generated content. The use of social media, particularly social networking sites, has significantly increased over the past several years. As a result, our techniques for systematizing and communicating have had to change to kee