Notice Board :

Volume XIII Issue XI

Author Name
Kanishka Sisodia, Chinmay Bhatt, Varsha Namdeo
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 13 Issue 11
Traditional K-means clustering algorithms have the drawback of getting stuck at local optima that depend on the random values of initial centroids. Optimization algorithms have their advantages in guiding iterative computation to search for global optima while avoiding local optima. The algorithms help speed up the clustering process by converging into a global optimum early with multiple search agents in action. Inspired by nature, some contemporary optimization algorithms which include Ant, Bat, Cuckoo, Firefly, and Wolf search algorithms mimic the swarming behavior allowing them to cooperatively steer towards an optimal objective within a reasonable time. It is known that these so-called nature-inspired optimization algorithms have their own characteristics as well as pros and cons in different applications. When these algorithms are combined with K-means clustering mechanism for the sake of enhancing its clustering quality by avoiding local optima and finding global optima,

Author Name
Narendra Singh Jat, Arun Modak
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 13 Issue 11
In order to meet the demands of the new generation of tech-savvy library users, it is essential for libraries and information centres to integrate ICT for efficient management of library operations and provision of user-centric library services. The report summarizes the findings of a survey conducted to learn whether ICT infrastructure facilities are available and whether new technologies are being used at a few college libraries in the Gwalior district of Madhya Pradesh. In addition to observations and unstructured interviews, questionnaires have mostly been employed as a strategy for data collecting. The findings of the study reveal that most the surveyed college libraries are presently in developing stage in terms of ICT implementation. The proper adoption of ICT in the college libraries under consideration has been found to be hampered by financial limitations and a shortage of ICT-skilled staff