Notice Board :

Volume VI Issue X

Author Name
A S Bhadouria, P Patidar, M K Rawat
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 10
Mobile devices are becoming the universal interface to online services and cloud computing applications. Since mobile phones have limited computing power and battery life, there is a potential to migrate computation intensive application components to external computing resources. Our main aim in this paper to show my research work is to empower the resource constrained cell phone in a way such that by using cloud computing we can perform the computation on the cloud end and the mobile will get the final result. In this work we are going to open the MS word documents in the mobile phones that are not able to process some basic doc files which contain images, texts and the combination of different text styles or special data. The “Dynamic Outsourcing Mobile Computation to the Cloud “that was time consuming in response here we proposed new architecture that is faster than previous architecture. In this paper we will show the implementation details.

Author Name
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 10
Cmwntimal fault tolerance techniques don't scale up to the new generation of parallel systems since they either need excessive coordination mong the processofs or drastically d u c e the effective variety of processors. One various methodology is to form the program inhcrently fault tolerant by implicitly embeding the fault tdorance witth the rule. In Uis paper we tend to outline inherent fault t o l an~d iJ lu;ptr;ue this approach by developing associate degree WenrHly fault tokrant parallel sodng algorithm. In parthlar, we tend to show bow the rule will be developed consistently in four steps, namely, by starting witb a standard rule, extending it to associate degree infinite unvaried alprithm, incorponting inherent fault tolerance, and impmving the performance. This inherently fault tolerant algorithm types the input sequence of size N victimisation N/2 processon in O(iog2N) time if then is not any processor failure and Kyrgyzstani monetary unit in 0(2f+(f+l)l log2N), time iff proc

Author Name
G Mansilla, D Sauce
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 10
We wear down a nav parallel algorithmic rule on AN eight-neighbor processor array with wraparounds within the rows. The rule is extremely straightforward becue it\'s composed athe iteration ofonly a primitive operation, scrutiny and exchanging four parts at the same time. every processor(pr0cessing element) arranged during a two-dimensional array will communicate. if exist, with eight neighbor processors. By fidly creating use ofits communication capability and wraparounds properties, the rule types n X n parts within the row-major order, and yields the sorting time qf3(n+1)(2t,+tJ wherever t, and tc ar outlined because the times for a unit rom\'ng step and a comparison process, respectiveiy.

Author Name
T Seko, S NANAMI, E M Adigio
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 6 Issue 10
Computer communication networks are getting common things in workplace and producing environments. Electrical element characteristics and network operation area unit understood by alittle number of engineers and designers with data regarding communication networks. This lack of widespread data was recognized once a high-speed pc communication network was being put in within the computer circuit (IC) fabrication facility in the Solid-state natural philosophy Laboratory (SSEL) at The University of Michigan. At an inexpensive price, it had been impracticable to severally verify a correct style for that facility. To develop a capability to analyze pc communication networks, 2 vital strategies were developed: (1) a model parameter extraction algorithmic rule for network elements and (2) a simulation algorithmic rule to investigate electrical operation of associate overall network. The model parameter extraction algorithmic rule is crucial to the success of this effort. The model parameter