Notice Board :

Volume VIII Issue I

Author Name
N Faccoli, A K Allam
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 1
Against the low index speed of serial algorithmic program for online page inverted indexes construction, in keeping with a characteristic of merge-sort algorithmic program meets the idea of scheduling partible hundreds in parallel and distributed system, the paper planned a replacement parallel algorithmic program basing on the triple sort-merge for online page inverted indexes construction. The algorithmic program distributed parallel restricted the 2 tasks parsing term and sorting these term postings that spent tons of time within the construction of inverted indexes, every term was represented as a triple, the time quality of the algorithmic program was analyzed.

Author Name
C Mesiar, Nikolaos L, B C Batistos
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 1
In this paper, instruction set extensions for a reduced instruction set pc processor ar given to enhance the software performance of the information secret writing normal (DES), the triple DES, the international encoding algorithmic program (IDEA), and the advanced secret writing normal (AES) algorithms. The most computationally intensive operations of every algorithmic program are off-loaded to a group of freshly outlined directions. the extra hardware needed to support these directions is integrated into the processor’s knowledge path. for every of the targeted algorithms, comparisons ar given between ancient package implementations and new implementations that cash in of the extended instruction set design. Results show that the use of the planned directions considerably reduces program code size, and improves secret writing and coding output.

Author Name
D Sheriff, H Zhang
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 1
Wireless network is Ad hoc networks (AN) rising space for researchers. Wireless network is deployed either in infrastructure mode or in impromptu mode. In AN Infrastructure manner, mobile stations communicate with one another with the help of Base Station or Access purpose (AP). It’s like network topology of wired network. This Access purpose makes communication easier between the nodes. In a poster hoc mode there's no access purpose or base station that helps in communication among nodes. All nodes in wireless Ad hoc network directly communicate with one another in peer-to-peer fashion. The topology of wireless impromptu network is dynamic in nature thus routes are modified often. Wireless impromptu network has no routers. Every node act as AN intermediate node for other node and intermediate node forwards knowledge towards destination node.

Author Name
G Xiaoqing, S Lasram, Dichi I
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 8 Issue 1
Data encryption is a good suggests that of preventing the sautéed of info throughout information storage and transmission. The idea of secret writing is predicated on sure algorithmic program to transformed information (i.e. plain text) into a format which will not be directly known (i.e. cipher text), so the one that doesn't know the cryptography algorithmic program cannot get the info content.