Notice Board :

Volume VII Issue I

Author Name
E Ayhan, H Barış
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 1
In this paper, a flexible edge-centered organisation is presented supported associate degree analysis concerning classical representations of graph or configuration. the info structure has many smart properties of convenient information accessing, compact topological illustration and intuitionistic graph operative, and so on. Further, the info structure has capabilities of representing numerous networks with impulsive complexity and topology and implementing codes of varied graph algorithms with straightforward and economical manner. Based on the info structure and also the breadth-first traversal strategy, an formula is planned associate degreed engineered for expeditiously conniving the shortest path between associate degree given vertex and every other vertex in even terribly large-scale graph. Experiments and results show that our organisation has the higher performance about time and house. It will act as basic information structure in implementations of varied graph algorithms a

Author Name
T Akşit, E Set
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 1
Recently enhanced use of network-enabled devices in power systems, speedy development of distributed generations from alternate energy resources, and government-imposed open access competition have resulted utilities in bigger reliance on computer networks for correct facility operations. The focus of this paper is to propose a brand new two-level design for power-grid laptop networks and to strength the network security. a brand new network access management strategy and a brand new role based access model area unit conferred for strengthening the power grid network security. The new model extends general network access controls for one security domain to multiple domains in interconnected micro grids. A security policy managing technique using XML is projected to modify the network security administration. This paper shows the importance of the proposed two-level design and role-based network access security for the protection, management and watching operations in distribution syste

Author Name
M A Hajabbasi, M E Hamid, A M El-Agrody
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 1
Dynamic unplanned networks are mobile unplanned networks (MANETs) wherever network characteristics, like network density and node quality, modification considerably over time and space. Sometimes, dynamic unplanned networks jibe a dense ad hoc network. At alternative times, they jibe a delay tolerant network. Several real networks follow the paradigm of dynamic Ad hoc networks. Military networks, life following sensing element networks, and vehicle networks are a number of these examples. In dynamic unplanned networks, standard routing schemes fail once the network characteristics don't fall under their applicable eventualities. Previous analysis has planned a range of routing schemes for every specific network situation. For example, distributed routing tables are designed for economical multi-hop, single copy routing in static and dense networks. Quality motor-assisted, multi-copy routings are planned in distributed networks wherever contemporary ways won't exist. With the benefits o

Author Name
S Chantara
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 7 Issue 1
In this paper we have a tendency to gift a routing formula once an Ad-Hoc network is within the coverage of a cellular network. To perform routing in Ad-Hoc network, the planned formula exploits topology data of Ad-Hoc network that obtained from Base Station in cellular network. 2 routing eventualities regarding to Ad-Hoc nodes capability square measure thought of. Cellular network is simply wont to accomplish routing for Ad-Hoc network. After playacting the routing through the centralized management system in cellular network, requester Ad-Hoc node forwards information via its Wi-Fi interface per the discovered route within the Ad-Hoc mode. Our results show that the planned routing protocol outperforms pure AODV and DSR protocols in terms of end-to-end delay, routing overhead, and packet delivery magnitude relation.