Notice Board :

Volume V Issue I

Author Name
N Labrou
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 5 Issue 1
In the age of Information and communication technology (ICT), web and internet have brought significant changes in Information technology. The dramatic change in website development and their relative usage has led to the need of web based metrics .These metrics will accurately assess the efforts in the web based applications .So the basic idea is to identify the web metrics for evaluating reliability and maintainability of Hypermedia applications where we characterize usage and problems for web applications, evaluate their reliability and also the potential aspects for reliability assessment and improvement . Based on the characteristics of web applications and the overall web environment, we classify web problems and focus on the subset of source content problems. Using information about web accesses, we drive various measurements that can characterize web site workload at different levels of granularity .These workload measurements , together with failure information extracted from recorded errors are used to evaluate the operational reliability for source events at a given website and the potential for reliability improvement. As a result , to support this strategy or methodology we extract web usage and failure information from existing web logs. This failure information is used to measure the reliability of web applications. Hence these results obtained from the web based metrics can help us analytically identically identify the effort assessment and failure points in web based systems and make evaluation of reliability of these systems simple.

Author Name
R Mesiar
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 5 Issue 1
Now days the graph of mobile phones exponentially soar in usability, portability and ubiquity, they are often involved in digital crime and digital investigation. Today mobile phones are used by criminal as a tool for conducting illegal activities. Due to the dynamic nature of evidence the investigation in mobile is hectic job for criminal investigator. In this paper mobile forensic investigation model, possible source of evidence in mobile environment are discussed. This paper also covers the available forensic tools.

Author Name
M C Batistatos
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 5 Issue 1
In the cyber crime investigation log files are an important source of evidence. The importance of event logs, as a source of information in systems and network management cannot be over accentuated. With the ever-increasing size and complexity of today’s event logs, the task of analy sing event logs has become cumbrous to carry out manually. Now these days recent research has focused on the automatic analysis of these logs files. In this paper the log files format and evidence correlation are discussed. The Technical constraint of available log files are identified and presented.

Paper Title
Author Name
N G Allam
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 5 Issue 1
SOA has become important for Business Process Management and Enterprises. SOA is widely used by Enterprises as it provides seamless environment, flexibility, interoperability, but at the same time it doesn’t possess any security. It depends upon the respective proprietor/user to look after security [1]. In recent time several research works have been reported for SOA security. Some researchers have also proposed various framework and models such as FIX [2], SAVT [3] but couldn’t achieved any landmark as they are based on XML schema. This proposed novel work contains inbuilt security module which was based on PKI. At the same time this model will have flexibility and interoperability as the security module is embedded by analyzing the nature of WSDL, UDDI, SOAP and XML. These protocols are also compatible with PKI. Proposed Model was implemented in environment and experimental results are compared with security methods such as data mining based web security and automata based web security.