Notice Board :

Volume III Issue I

Author Name
W Rupptisch
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 1
One approach to protected systems is from first to last the examination of audit trails or logs. An audit trail is an evidence of all procedures that take place in a system and across a network, it provides a outline of user/system events so that safety measures events can be associated to the actions of a specific individual or system element. In the optimum path evaluation of a process working with the audit log of the system generated by our data format, a different kinds of processes accessed during the different user session .The proposed work is based on the concept of forensic activities and the process mining, where we introduce a new process analysis method by which we discover what the users next application.

Author Name
J Hawse
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 1
Mobile Networking is a revolutionary technology, born as a result of remarkable advances in computer hardware and wireless communication. Mobile applications have become increasingly popular in recent years. Ad-hoc networks are an emerging area of mobile computing. There are various challenges that are faced in the Ad-hoc environment. Ad hoc network is a collection of nodes that is connected through a wireless medium forming rapidly changing topologies. Adhoc networks are a new paradigm of wireless communication for mobile hosts. No fixed infrastructure such as base stations as mobile switching. Nodes within each other radio range communicate directly via wireless links while these, which are far apart; rely on other nodes to relay messages. Node mobility causes frequent changes in topology. This survey paper will cover issues related to ad-hoc Network. In The paper discusses security problems relevant within ad hoc networks are identified. In this paper we also present ad hoc routing protocols for ad-hoc networks. The paper also gives a brief introduction to ad-hoc network, routing of ad hoc networking.

Author Name
M Mousa
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 1
Program analysis plays a key role in many areas of software development, such as performance tuning, testing, debugging, and maintenance. Program analysis can be carried out statically or dynamically, and these two approaches are generally seen as being complementary to each other. There are many tools and techniques to help developers debug and test their programs. Dynamic data flow analysis is such a technique. Existing approaches for performing dynamic data flow analysis for object oriented programs have tended to be data focused and procedural in nature. An approach to dynamic data flow analysis that used object oriented principals would provide a more natural solution to analyzing object oriented programs. In this paper, we consider testing the data flow in C# programs dynamically. Data flow analysis has been applied for testing procedural and some object-oriented programs. We have extended the dynamic data flow analysis technique to test C# programs and show how it can be applied to detect data flow anomalies.

Author Name
C Ho
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 1
In software industry, a large amount of effort and cost is required to develop a solution for real world problems; additionally the rework, changes and maintenance are some factors which increase the project cost and efforts. Estimating cost and effort is a challenging and essential task. To overcome this, code reusability concept is introduced, an important aspect of object oriented programming by which piece of source code can be used in other software projects or in other time to add new functionalities with minor or no alteration. In this paper, the proposed model is based on the concept of estimation by analogy, which describes the comparison of proposed project to previously completed similar projects that resides in code repository. Innovative idea of proposed model, search and retrieval techniques, leads to achieve the result of code reusability to decrease the cost and effort estimation.