Notice Board :

Volume IX Issue XI

Author Name
K Thway
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 9 Issue 11
We propose associate ML (Mu1ti-Layer) structure, which is a hierarchical system for N-dimensional information classified into layers. Within the milliliter structure, a node structure is extended therefore that information may be hold on not solely within the leaves (termina1 nodes) however also in internal nodes by adding a layer management mechanism. The ML-structure has properties that the information in a very layer having a tiny low quantity of information exists in a very position close to the root of the tree. Smart retrieval performances are obtained each in the case of a abstraction hunt for a selected layers information which for plural layers information.

Author Name
C Rodrigo, L A Ramajo
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 9 Issue 11
Distributed systems are at risk of variety of Security attacks. During this paper we glance at the protection problems of object-based distributed systems, and propose a model supported labeling for construction security. The purpose of this model is to preserve the data Flow security during a distributed object-oriented system. and additionally the protection threats to such systems. we have a tendency to postulate various modeling prospects, and manufacture a particular Set of security properties that describe a construction Secure object model. This explicit model mustn't be thought of as a remedy, however rather ought to demonstrate hon. the assorted modeling choices ar mirrored in Associate in Nursing actual model. we have a tendency to conclude with a discussion of possible avenues of future analysis.